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Appendix B. Protocol Encoding

Syntactic Conventions

All numbers are in decimal, unless prefixed with #x, in which case they are in hexadecimal (base 16).

The general syntax used to describe requests, replies, errors, events, and compound types is:


Each encode-form describes a single component.

For components described in the protocol as:

   name: TYPE

the encode-form is:

   N     TYPE     name

N is the number of bytes occupied in the data stream, and TYPE is the interpretation of those bytes. For example,

   depth: CARD8


   1     CARD8     depth

For components with a static numeric value the encode-form is:

   N     value     name

The value is always interpreted as an N-byte unsigned integer. For example, the first two bytes of a Window error are always zero (indicating an error in general) and three (indicating the Window error in particular):

   1      0      Error
   1      3      code

For components described in the protocol as:

name: { Name1,..., NameI}

the encode-form is:

   N          name
        value1 Name1
        valueI NameI

The value is always interpreted as an N-byte unsigned integer. Note that the size of N is sometimes larger than that strictly required to encode the values. For example:

class: { InputOutput, InputOnly, CopyFromParent }


2               class
     0     CopyFromParent
     1     InputOutput
     2     InputOnly

For components described in the protocol as:

NAME: TYPE or Alternative1 ...or AlternativeI

the encode-form is:

N     TYPE               NAME
     value1     Alternative1
     valueI     AlternativeI

The alternative values are guaranteed not to conflict with the encoding of TYPE. For example:

destination: WINDOW or PointerWindow or InputFocus


4     WINDOW          destination
     0     PointerWindow
     1     InputFocus

For components described in the protocol as:

   value-mask: BITMASK

the encode-form is:

N     BITMASK               value-mask
     mask1     mask-name1
     maskI     mask-nameI

The individual bits in the mask are specified and named, and N is 2 or 4. The most-significant bit in a BITMASK is reserved for use in defining chained (multiword) bitmasks, as extensions augment existing core requests. The precise interpretation of this bit is not yet defined here, although a probable mechanism is that a 1-bit indicates that another N bytes of bitmask follows, with bits within the overall mask still interpreted from least-significant to most-significant with an N-byte unit, with N-byte units interpreted in stream order, and with the overall mask being byte-swapped in individual N-byte units.

For LISTofVALUE encodings, the request is followed by a section of the form:


listing an encode-form for each VALUE. The NAME in each encode-form keys to the corresponding BITMASK bit. The encoding of a VALUE always occupies four bytes, but the number of bytes specified in the encoding-form indicates how many of the least-significant bytes are actually used; the remaining bytes are unused and their values do not matter.

In various cases, the number of bytes occupied by a component will be specified by a lowercase single-letter variable name instead of a specific numeric value, and often some other component will have its value specified as a simple numeric expression involving these variables. Components specified with such expressions are always interpreted as unsigned integers. The scope of such variables is always just the enclosing request, reply, error, event, or compound type structure. For example:

2      3+n                  request length
4n     LISTofPOINT          points

For unused bytes (the values of the bytes are undefined and do no matter), the encode-form is:

   N               unused

If the number of unused bytes is variable, the encode-form typically is:

   p               unused, p=pad(E)

where E is some expression, and pad(E) is the number of bytes needed to round E up to a multiple of four.

   pad(E) = (4 - (E mod 4)) mod 4

Common Types


In this document the LISTof notation strictly means some number of repetitions of the FOO encoding; the actual length of the list is encoded elsewhere.


A set is always represented by a bitmask, with a 1-bit indicating presence in the set.

BYTE: 8-bit value
INT8: 8-bit signed integer
INT16: 16-bit signed integer
INT32: 32-bit signed integer
CARD8: 8-bit unsigned integer
CARD16: 16-bit unsigned integer
CARD32: 32-bit unsigned integer
     0     Forget
     1     NorthWest
     2     North
     3     NorthEast
     4     West
     5     Center
     6     East
     7     SouthWest
     8     South
     9     SouthEast
     10     Static

     0     Unmap
     1     NorthWest
     2     North
     3     NorthEast
     4     West
     5     Center
     6     East
     7     SouthWest
     8     South
     9     SouthEast
     10     Static

     0     False
     1     True

     #x00000001     KeyPress
     #x00000002     KeyRelease
     #x00000004     ButtonPress
     #x00000008     ButtonRelease
     #x00000010     EnterWindow
     #x00000020     LeaveWindow
     #x00000040     PointerMotion
     #x00000080     PointerMotionHint
     #x00000100     Button1Motion
     #x00000200     Button2Motion
     #x00000400     Button3Motion
     #x00000800     Button4Motion
     #x00001000     Button5Motion
     #x00002000     ButtonMotion
     #x00004000     KeymapState
     #x00008000     Exposure
     #x00010000     VisibilityChange
     #x00020000     StructureNotify
     #x00040000     ResizeRedirect
     #x00080000     SubstructureNotify
     #x00100000     SubstructureRedirect
     #x00200000     FocusChange
     #x00400000     PropertyChange
     #x00800000     ColormapChange
     #x01000000     OwnerGrabButton
     #xFE000000     unused but must be zero

     encodings are the same as for SETofEVENT, except with
     #xFFFF8003     unused but must be zero

     encodings are the same as for SETofEVENT, except with
     #xFFFFC0B0     unused but must be zero


     #x0001     Shift
     #x0002     Lock
     #x0004     Control
     #x0008     Mod1
     #x0010     Mod2
     #x0020     Mod3
     #x0040     Mod4
     #x0080     Mod5
     #x0100     Button1
     #x0200     Button2
     #x0400     Button3
     #x0800     Button4
     #x1000     Button5
     #xE000     unused but must be zero

     encodings are the same as for SETofKEYBUTMASK, except with
     #xFF00          unused but must be zero

     1     CARD8     byte1
     1     CARD8     byte2

     2     INT16     x
     2     INT16     y

     2     INT16     x
     2     INT16     y
     2     CARD16    width
     2     CARD16    height

     2     INT16     x
     2     INT16     y
     2     CARD16    width
     2     CARD16    height
     2     INT16     angle1
     2     INT16     angle2

     1                         family
           0         Internet
           1         DECnet
           2         Chaos
           5         ServerInterpreted
           6         InternetV6
     1                         unused
     2      n                  length of address
     n      LISTofBYTE         address
     p                         unused, p=pad(n)

     1      n                  length of name in bytes
     n      STRING8            name


     1     0                               Error
     1     1                               code
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          minor opcode
     1     CARD8                           major opcode
     21                                    unused

     1     0                               Error
     1     2                               code
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     <32-bits>                 bad value
     2     CARD16                          minor opcode
     1     CARD8                           major opcode
     21                                    unused

     1     0                               Error
     1     3                               code
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     CARD32                          bad resource id
     2     CARD16                          minor opcode
     1     CARD8                           major opcode
     21                                    unused

     1     0                               Error
     1     4                               code
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     CARD32                          bad resource id
     2     CARD16                          minor opcode
     1     CARD8                           major opcode
     21                                    unused

     1     0                               Error
     1     5                               code
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     CARD32                          bad atom id
     2     CARD16                          minor opcode
     1     CARD8                           major opcode
     21                                    unused

     1     0                               Error
     1     6                               code
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     CARD32                          bad resource id
     2     CARD16                          minor opcode
     1     CARD8                           major opcode
     21                                    unused

     1     0                               Error
     1     7                               code
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     CARD32                          bad resource id
     2     CARD16                          minor opcode
     1     CARD8                           major opcode
     21                                    unused

     1     0                               Error
     1     8                               code
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          minor opcode
     1     CARD8                           major opcode
     21                                    unused

     1     0                               Error
     1     9                               code
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     CARD32                          bad resource id
     2     CARD16                          minor opcode
     1     CARD8                           major opcode
     21                                    unused

     1     0                               Error
     1     10                              code
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          minor opcode
     1     CARD8                           major opcode
     21                                    unused

     1     0                               Error
     1     11                              code
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          minor opcode
     1     CARD8                           major opcode
     21                                    unused

     1     0                               Error
     1     12                              code
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     CARD32                          bad resource id
     2     CARD16                          minor opcode
     1     CARD8                           major opcode
     21                                    unused

     1     0                               Error
     1     13                              code
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     CARD32                          bad resource id
     2     CARD16                          minor opcode
     1     CARD8                           major opcode
     21                                    unused

     1     0                               Error
     1     14                              code
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     CARD32                          bad resource id
     2     CARD16                          minor opcode
     1     CARD8                           major opcode
     21                                    unused

     1     0                               Error
     1     15                              code
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          minor opcode
     1     CARD8                           major opcode
     21                                    unused

     1     0                               Error
     1     16                              code
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          minor opcode
     1     CARD8                           major opcode
     21                                    unused

     1     0                               Error
     1     17                              code
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          minor opcode
     1     CARD8                           major opcode
     21                                    unused


KEYCODE values are always greater than 7 (and less than 256).

KEYSYM values with the bit #x10000000 set are reserved as vendor-specific.

The names and encodings of the standard KEYSYM values are contained in Appendix A, Keysym Encoding.


BUTTON values are numbered starting with one.

Predefined Atoms

PRIMARY           1      WM_NORMAL_HINTS     40
SECONDARY         2      WM_SIZE_HINTS       41
ARC               3      WM_ZOOM_HINTS       42
ATOM              4      MIN_SPACE           43
BITMAP            5      NORM_SPACE          44
CARDINAL          6      MAX_SPACE           45
COLORMAP          7      END_SPACE           46
CURSOR            8      SUPERSCRIPT_X       47
CUT_BUFFER0       9      SUPERSCRIPT_Y       48
CUT_BUFFER1       10     SUBSCRIPT_X         49
CUT_BUFFER2       11     SUBSCRIPT_Y         50
CUT_BUFFER7       16     ITALIC_ANGLE        55
DRAWABLE          17     X_HEIGHT            56
FONT              18     QUAD_WIDTH          57
INTEGER           19     WEIGHT              58
PIXMAP            20     POINT_SIZE          59
POINT             21     RESOLUTION          60
RECTANGLE         22     COPYRIGHT           61
RESOURCE_MANAGER  23     NOTICE              62
RGB_COLOR_MAP     24     FONT_NAME           63
RGB_BEST_MAP      25     FAMILY_NAME         64
RGB_BLUE_MAP      26     FULL_NAME           65
RGB_DEFAULT_MAP   27     CAP_HEIGHT          66
RGB_GRAY_MAP      28     WM_CLASS            67
RGB_RED_MAP       30
STRING            31
VISUALID          32
WINDOW            33
WM_COMMAND        34
WM_HINTS          35
WM_ICON_NAME      37
WM_ICON_SIZE      38
WM_NAME           39

Connection Setup

For TCP connections, displays on a given host are numbered starting from 0, and the server for display N listens and accepts connections on port 6000 + N. For DECnet connections, displays on a given host are numbered starting from 0, and the server for display N listens and accepts connections on the object name obtained by concatenating "X$X" with the decimal representation of N, for example, X$X0 and X$X1.

Information sent by the client at connection setup:

     1                       byte-order
          #x42     MSB first
          #x6C     LSB first
     1                       unused
     2     CARD16            protocol-major-version
     2     CARD16            protocol-minor-version
     2     n                 length of authorization-protocol-name
     2     d                 length of authorization-protocol-data
     2                       unused
     n     STRING8           authorization-protocol-name
     p                       unused, p=pad(n)
     d     STRING8           authorization-protocol-data
     q                       unused, q=pad(d)

Except where explicitly noted in the protocol, all 16-bit and 32-bit quantities sent by the client must be transmitted with the specified byte order, and all 16-bit and 32-bit quantities returned by the server will be transmitted with this byte order.

Information received by the client if the connection is refused:

     1     0                 Failed
     1     n                 length of reason in bytes
     2     CARD16            protocol-major-version
     2     CARD16            protocol-minor-version
     2     (n+p)/4           length in 4-byte units of "additional data"
     n     STRING8           reason
     p                       unused, p=pad(n)

Information received by the client if further authentication is required:

     1     2                 Authenticate
     5                       unused
     2     (n+p)/4           length in 4-byte units of "additional data"
     n     STRING8           reason
     p                       unused, p=pad(n)

Information received by the client if the connection is accepted:

     1     1                               Success
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          protocol-major-version
     2     CARD16                          protocol-minor-version
     2     8+2n+(v+p+m)/4                  length in 4-byte units of
                                           "additional data"
     4     CARD32                          release-number
     4     CARD32                          resource-id-base
     4     CARD32                          resource-id-mask
     4     CARD32                          motion-buffer-size
     2     v                               length of vendor
     2     CARD16                          maximum-request-length
     1     CARD8                           number of SCREENs in roots
     1     n                               number for FORMATs in
     1                                     image-byte-order
          0     LSBFirst
          1     MSBFirst
     1                                     bitmap-format-bit-order
          0     LeastSignificant
          1     MostSignificant
     1     CARD8                           bitmap-format-scanline-unit
     1     CARD8                           bitmap-format-scanline-pad
     1     KEYCODE                         min-keycode
     1     KEYCODE                         max-keycode
     4                                     unused
     v     STRING8                         vendor
     p                                     unused, p=pad(v)
     8n     LISTofFORMAT                   pixmap-formats
     m     LISTofSCREEN                    roots (m is always a multiple of 4)
     1     CARD8                           depth
     1     CARD8                           bits-per-pixel
     1     CARD8                           scanline-pad
     5                                     unused
     4     WINDOW                          root
     4     COLORMAP                        default-colormap
     4     CARD32                          white-pixel
     4     CARD32                          black-pixel
     4     SETofEVENT                      current-input-masks
     2     CARD16                          width-in-pixels
     2     CARD16                          height-in-pixels
     2     CARD16                          width-in-millimeters
     2     CARD16                          height-in-millimeters
     2     CARD16                          min-installed-maps
     2     CARD16                          max-installed-maps
     4     VISUALID                        root-visual
     1                                     backing-stores
          0     Never
          1     WhenMapped
          2     Always
     1     BOOL                            save-unders
     1     CARD8                           root-depth
     1     CARD8                           number of DEPTHs in allowed-depths
     n     LISTofDEPTH                     allowed-depths (n is always a
                                           multiple of 4)
     1     CARD8                           depth
     1                                     unused
     2     n                               number of VISUALTYPES in visuals
     4                                     unused
     24n     LISTofVISUALTYPE              visuals
     4     VISUALID                        visual-id
     1                                     class
          0     StaticGray
          1     GrayScale
          2     StaticColor
          3     PseudoColor
          4     TrueColor
          5     DirectColor
     1     CARD8                           bits-per-rgb-value
     2     CARD16                          colormap-entries
     4     CARD32                          red-mask
     4     CARD32                          green-mask
     4     CARD32                          blue-mask
     4                                     unused


     1     1                               opcode
     1     CARD8                           depth
     2     8+n                             request length
     4     WINDOW                          wid
     4     WINDOW                          parent
     2     INT16                           x
     2     INT16                           y
     2     CARD16                          width
     2     CARD16                          height
     2     CARD16                          border-width
     2                                     class
          0     CopyFromParent
          1     InputOutput
          2     InputOnly
     4     VISUALID                        visual
          0     CopyFromParent
     4     BITMASK                         value-mask (has n bits set to 1)
          #x00000001     background-pixmap
          #x00000002     background-pixel
          #x00000004     border-pixmap
          #x00000008     border-pixel
          #x00000010     bit-gravity
          #x00000020     win-gravity
          #x00000040     backing-store
          #x00000080     backing-planes
          #x00000100     backing-pixel
          #x00000200     override-redirect
          #x00000400     save-under
          #x00000800     event-mask
          #x00001000     do-not-propagate-mask
          #x00002000     colormap
          #x00004000     cursor
     4n     LISTofVALUE                    value-list

     4     PIXMAP                          background-pixmap
          0     None
          1     ParentRelative
     4     CARD32                          background-pixel
     4     PIXMAP                          border-pixmap
          0     CopyFromParent
     4     CARD32                          border-pixel
     1     BITGRAVITY                      bit-gravity
     1     WINGRAVITY                      win-gravity
     1                                     backing-store
          0     NotUseful
          1     WhenMapped
          2     Always
     4     CARD32                          backing-planes
     4     CARD32                          backing-pixel
     1     BOOL                            override-redirect
     1     BOOL                            save-under
     4     SETofEVENT                      event-mask
     4     SETofDEVICEEVENT                do-not-propagate-mask
     4     COLORMAP                        colormap
          0     CopyFromParent
     4     CURSOR                          cursor
          0     None

     1     2                               opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     3+n                             request length
     4     WINDOW                          window
     4     BITMASK                         value-mask (has n bits set to 1)
          encodings are the same as for CreateWindow
     4n     LISTofVALUE                    value-list
          encodings are the same as for CreateWindow

     1     3                               opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          window

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     backing-store
          0     NotUseful
          1     WhenMapped
          2     Always
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     3                               reply length
     4     VISUALID                        visual
     2                                     class
          1     InputOutput
          2     InputOnly
     1     BITGRAVITY                      bit-gravity
     1     WINGRAVITY                      win-gravity
     4     CARD32                          backing-planes
     4     CARD32                          backing-pixel
     1     BOOL                            save-under
     1     BOOL                            map-is-installed
     1                                     map-state
          0     Unmapped
          1     Unviewable
          2     Viewable
     1     BOOL                            override-redirect
     4     COLORMAP                        colormap
          0     None
     4     SETofEVENT                      all-event-masks
     4     SETofEVENT                      your-event-mask
     2     SETofDEVICEEVENT                do-not-propagate-mask
     2                                     unused

     1     4                               opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          window

     1     5                               opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          window

     1     6                               opcode
     1                                     mode
          0     Insert
          1     Delete
     2     2                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          window

     1     7                               opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     4                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          window
     4     WINDOW                          parent
     2     INT16                           x
     2     INT16                           y

     1     8                               opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          window

     1     9                               opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          window

     1     10                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          window

     1     11                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          window

     1     12                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     3+n                             request length
     4     WINDOW                          window
     2     BITMASK                         value-mask (has n bits set to 1)
          #x0001     x
          #x0002     y
          #x0004     width
          #x0008     height
          #x0010     border-width
          #x0020     sibling
          #x0040     stack-mode
     2               unused
     4n     LISTofVALUE                    value-list

     2     INT16                           x
     2     INT16                           y
     2     CARD16                          width
     2     CARD16                          height
     2     CARD16                          border-width
     4     WINDOW                          sibling
     1                                     stack-mode
          0     Above
          1     Below
          2     TopIf
          3     BottomIf
          4     Opposite

     1     13                              opcode
     1                                     direction
          0     RaiseLowest
          1     LowerHighest
     2     2                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          window

     1     14                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     4     DRAWABLE                        drawable

     1     1                               Reply
     1     CARD8                           depth
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     0                               reply length
     4     WINDOW                          root
     2     INT16                           x
     2     INT16                           y
     2     CARD16                          width
     2     CARD16                          height
     2     CARD16                          border-width
     10                                    unused

     1     15                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          window

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     n                               reply length
     4     WINDOW                          root
     4     WINDOW                          parent
          0     None
     2     n                               number of WINDOWs in children
     14                                    unused
     4n     LISTofWINDOW                   children

     1     16                              opcode
     1     BOOL                            only-if-exists
     2     2+(n+p)/4                       request length
     2     n                               length of name
     2                                     unused
     n     STRING8                         name
     p                                     unused, p=pad(n)

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     0                               reply length
     4     ATOM                            atom
           0     None
     20                                    unused

     1     17                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     4     ATOM                            atom

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     (n+p)/4                         reply length
     2     n                               length of name
     22                                    unused
     n     STRING8                         name
     p                                     unused, p=pad(n)

     1     18                              opcode
     1                                     mode
          0     Replace
          1     Prepend
          2     Append
     2     6+(n+p)/4                       request length
     4     WINDOW                          window
     4     ATOM                            property
     4     ATOM                            type
     1     CARD8                           format
     3                                     unused
     4     CARD32                          length of data in format units
                    (= n for format = 8)
                    (= n/2 for format = 16)
                    (= n/4 for format = 32)
     n     LISTofBYTE                      data
                    (n is a multiple of 2 for format = 16)
                    (n is a multiple of 4 for format = 32)
     p                                     unused, p=pad(n)

     1     19                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     3                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          window
     4     ATOM                            property

     1     20                              opcode
     1     BOOL                            delete
     2     6                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          window
     4     ATOM                            property
     4     ATOM                            type
          0     AnyPropertyType
     4     CARD32                          long-offset
     4     CARD32                          long-length

     1     1                               Reply
     1     CARD8                           format
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     (n+p)/4                         reply length
     4     ATOM                            type
          0     None
     4     CARD32                          bytes-after
     4     CARD32                          length of value in format units
                    (= 0 for format = 0)
                    (= n for format = 8)
                    (= n/2 for format = 16)
                    (= n/4 for format = 32)
     12                                    unused
     n     LISTofBYTE                      value
                    (n is zero for format = 0)
                    (n is a multiple of 2 for format = 16)
                    (n is a multiple of 4 for format = 32)
     p                                     unused, p=pad(n)

     1     21                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          window

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     n                               reply length
     2     n                               number of ATOMs in atoms
     22                                    unused
     4n     LISTofATOM                     atoms

     1     22                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     4                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          owner
          0     None
     4     ATOM                            selection
     4     TIMESTAMP                       time
          0     CurrentTime

     1     23                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     4     ATOM                            selection

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     0                               reply length
     4     WINDOW                          owner
          0     None
     20                                    unused

     1     24                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     6                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          requestor
     4     ATOM                            selection
     4     ATOM                            target
     4     ATOM                            property
          0     None
     4     TIMESTAMP                       time
          0     CurrentTime

     1     25                              opcode
     1     BOOL                            propagate
     2     11                              requestlength
     4     WINDOW                          destination
          0     PointerWindow
          1     InputFocus
     4     SETofEVENT                      event-mask
     32                                    event
          standard event format (see the Events section)

     1     26                              opcode
     1     BOOL                            owner-events
     2     6                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          grab-window
     2     SETofPOINTEREVENT               event-mask
     1                                     pointer-mode
          0     Synchronous
          1     Asynchronous
     1                                     keyboard-mode
          0     Synchronous
          1     Asynchronous
     4     WINDOW                          confine-to
          0     None
     4     CURSOR                          cursor
          0     None
     4     TIMESTAMP                       time
          0     CurrentTime

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     status
          0     Success
          1     AlreadyGrabbed
          2     InvalidTime
          3     NotViewable
          4     Frozen
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     0                               reply length
     24                                    unused

     1     27                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     4     TIMESTAMP                       time
          0     CurrentTime

     1     28                              opcode
     1     BOOL                            owner-events
     2     6                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          grab-window
     2     SETofPOINTEREVENT               event-mask
     1                                     pointer-mode
          0     Synchronous
          1     Asynchronous
     1                                     keyboard-mode
          0     Synchronous
          1     Asynchronous
     4     WINDOW                          confine-to
          0     None
     4     CURSOR                          cursor
          0     None
     1     BUTTON                          button
          0     AnyButton
     1                                     unused
     2     SETofKEYMASK                    modifiers
          #x8000                           AnyModifier

     1     29                              opcode
     1     BUTTON                          button
          0     AnyButton
     2     3                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          grab-window
     2     SETofKEYMASK                    modifiers
          #x8000                           AnyModifier
     2                                     unused

     1     30                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     4                               request length
     4     CURSOR                          cursor
          0     None
     4     TIMESTAMP                       time
          0     CurrentTime
     2     SETofPOINTEREVENT               event-mask
     2                                     unused

     1     31                              opcode
     1     BOOL                            owner-events
     2     4                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          grab-window
     4     TIMESTAMP                       time
          0     CurrentTime
     1                                     pointer-mode
          0     Synchronous
          1     Asynchronous
     1                                     keyboard-mode
          0     Synchronous
          1     Asynchronous
     2                                     unused

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     status
          0     Success
          1     AlreadyGrabbed
          2     InvalidTime
          3     NotViewable
          4     Frozen
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     0                               reply length
     24                                    unused

     1     32                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     4     TIMESTAMP                       time
          0     CurrentTime

     1     33                              opcode
     1     BOOL                            owner-events
     2     4                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          grab-window
     2     SETofKEYMASK                    modifiers
          #x8000     AnyModifier
     1     KEYCODE                         key
          0     AnyKey
     1                                     pointer-mode
          0     Synchronous
          1     Asynchronous
     1                                     keyboard-mode
          0     Synchronous
          1     Asynchronous
     3                                     unused

     1     34                              opcode
     1     KEYCODE                         key
          0     AnyKey
     2     3                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          grab-window
     2     SETofKEYMASK                    modifiers
          #x8000     AnyModifier
     2                                     unused

     1     35                              opcode
     1                                     mode
          0     AsyncPointer
          1     SyncPointer
          2     ReplayPointer
          3     AsyncKeyboard
          4     SyncKeyboard
          5     ReplayKeyboard
          6     AsyncBoth
          7     SyncBoth
     2     2                               request length
     4     TIMESTAMP                       time
          0     CurrentTime

     1     36                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     1                               request length

     1     37                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     1                               request length

     1     38                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          window

     1     1                               Reply
     1     BOOL                            same-screen
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     0                               reply length
     4     WINDOW                          root
     4     WINDOW                          child
          0     None
     2     INT16                           root-x
     2     INT16                           root-y
     2     INT16                           win-x
     2     INT16                           win-y
     2     SETofKEYBUTMASK                 mask
     6                                     unused

     1     39                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     4                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          window
     4     TIMESTAMP                       start
          0     CurrentTime
     4     TIMESTAMP                       stop
          0     CurrentTime

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     2n                              reply length
     4     n                               number of TIMECOORDs in events
     20                                    unused
     8n     LISTofTIMECOORD                events

     4     TIMESTAMP                       time
     2     INT16                           x
     2     INT16                           y

     1     40                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     4                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          src-window
     4     WINDOW                          dst-window
     2     INT16                           src-x
     2     INT16                           src-y

     1     1                               Reply
     1     BOOL                            same-screen
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     0                               reply length
     4     WINDOW                          child
          0     None
     2     INT16                           dst-x
     2     INT16                           dst-y
     16                                    unused

     1     41                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     6                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          src-window
          0     None
     4     WINDOW                          dst-window
          0     None
     2     INT16                           src-x
     2     INT16                           src-y
     2     CARD16                          src-width
     2     CARD16                          src-height
     2     INT16                           dst-x
     2     INT16                           dst-y

     1     42                              opcode
     1                                     revert-to
          0     None
          1     PointerRoot
          2     Parent
     2     3                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          focus
          0     None
          1     PointerRoot
     4     TIMESTAMP                       time
          0     CurrentTime

     1     43                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     1                               request length

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     revert-to
          0     None
          1     PointerRoot
          2     Parent
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     0                               reply length
     4     WINDOW                          focus
          0     None
          1     PointerRoot
     20                                    unused

     1     44                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     1                               request length

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     2                               reply length
     32     LISTofCARD8                    keys

     1     45                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     3+(n+p)/4                       request length
     4     FONT                            fid
     2     n                               length of name
     2                                     unused
     n     STRING8                         name
     p                                     unused, p=pad(n)

     1     46                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     4     FONT                            font

     1     47                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     4     FONTABLE                        font

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     7+2n+3m                         reply length
     12     CHARINFO                       min-bounds
     4                                     unused
     12     CHARINFO                       max-bounds
     4                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          min-char-or-byte2
     2     CARD16                          max-char-or-byte2
     2     CARD16                          default-char
     2     n                               number of FONTPROPs in properties
     1                                     draw-direction
          0     LeftToRight
          1     RightToLeft
     1     CARD8                           min-byte1
     1     CARD8                           max-byte1
     1     BOOL                            all-chars-exist
     2     INT16                           font-ascent
     2     INT16                           font-descent
     4     m                               number of CHARINFOs in char-infos
     8n     LISTofFONTPROP                 properties
     12m     LISTofCHARINFO                char-infos

     4     ATOM                            name
     4     <32-bits>                 value

     2     INT16                           left-side-bearing
     2     INT16                           right-side-bearing
     2     INT16                           character-width
     2     INT16                           ascent
     2     INT16                           descent
     2     CARD16                          attributes

     1     48                              opcode
     1     BOOL                            odd length, True if p = 2
     2     2+(2n+p)/4                      request length
     4     FONTABLE                        font
     2n     STRING16                       string
     p                                     unused, p=pad(2n)

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     draw-direction
          0     LeftToRight
          1     RightToLeft
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     0                               reply length
     2     INT16                           font-ascent
     2     INT16                           font-descent
     2     INT16                           overall-ascent
     2     INT16                           overall-descent
     4     INT32                           overall-width
     4     INT32                           overall-left
     4     INT32                           overall-right
     4                                     unused

     1     49                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2+(n+p)/4                       request length
     2     CARD16                          max-names
     2     n                               length of pattern
     n     STRING8                         pattern
     p                                     unused, p=pad(n)

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     (n+p)/4                         reply length
     2     CARD16                          number of STRs in names
     22                                    unused
     n     LISTofSTR                       names
     p                                     unused, p=pad(n)

     1     50                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2+(n+p)/4                       request length
     2     CARD16                          max-names
     2     n                               length of pattern
     n     STRING8                         pattern
     p                                     unused, p=pad(n)

▶ (except for last in series)
     1     1                               Reply
     1     n                               length of name in bytes
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     7+2m+(n+p)/4                    reply length
     12     CHARINFO                       min-bounds
     4                                     unused
     12     CHARINFO                       max-bounds
     4                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          min-char-or-byte2
     2     CARD16                          max-char-or-byte2
     2     CARD16                          default-char
     2     m                               number of FONTPROPs in properties
     1                                     draw-direction
          0     LeftToRight
          1     RightToLeft
     1     CARD8                           min-byte1
     1     CARD8                           max-byte1
     1     BOOL                            all-chars-exist
     2     INT16                           font-ascent
     2     INT16                           font-descent
     4     CARD32                          replies-hint
     8m     LISTofFONTPROP                 properties
     n     STRING8                         name
     p                                     unused, p=pad(n)

     encodings are the same as for QueryFont

     encodings are the same as for QueryFont

▶ (last in series)
     1     1                               Reply
     1     0                               last-reply indicator
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     7                               reply length
     52                                    unused

     1     51                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2+(n+p)/4                       request length
     2     CARD16                          number of STRs in path
     2                                     unused
     n     LISTofSTR                       path
     p                                     unused, p=pad(n)

     1     52                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     1                               request list

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     (n+p)/4                         reply length
     2     CARD16                          number of STRs in path
     22                                    unused
     n     LISTofSTR                       path
     p                                     unused, p=pad(n)

     1     53                              opcode
     1     CARD8                           depth
     2     4                               request length
     4     PIXMAP                          pid
     4     DRAWABLE                        drawable
     2     CARD16                          width
     2     CARD16                          height

     1     54                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     4     PIXMAP                          pixmap

     1     55                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     4+n                             request length
     4     GCONTEXT                        cid
     4     DRAWABLE                        drawable
     4     BITMASK                         value-mask (has n bits set to 1)
          #x00000001     function
          #x00000002     plane-mask
          #x00000004     foreground
          #x00000008     background
          #x00000010     line-width
          #x00000020     line-style
          #x00000040     cap-style
          #x00000080     join-style
          #x00000100     fill-style
          #x00000200     fill-rule
          #x00000400     tile
          #x00000800     stipple
          #x00001000     tile-stipple-x-origin
          #x00002000     tile-stipple-y-origin
          #x00004000     font
          #x00008000     subwindow-mode
          #x00010000     graphics-exposures
          #x00020000     clip-x-origin
          #x00040000     clip-y-origin
          #x00080000     clip-mask
          #x00100000     dash-offset
          #x00200000     dashes
          #x00400000     arc-mode
     4n     LISTofVALUE                    value-list

     1                                     function
           0     Clear
           1     And
           2     AndReverse
           3     Copy
           4     AndInverted
           5     NoOp
           6     Xor
           7     Or
           8     Nor
           9     Equiv
          10     Invert
          11     OrReverse
          12     CopyInverted
          13     OrInverted
          14     Nand
          15     Set
     4     CARD32                          plane-mask
     4     CARD32                          foreground
     4     CARD32                          background
     2     CARD16                          line-width
     1                                     line-style
          0     Solid
          1     OnOffDash
          2     DoubleDash
     1                                     cap-style
          0     NotLast
          1     Butt
          2     Round
          3     Projecting
     1                                     join-style
          0     Miter
          1     Round
          2     Bevel
     1                                     fill-style
          0     Solid
          1     Tiled
          2     Stippled
          3     OpaqueStippled
     1                                     fill-rule
          0     EvenOdd
          1     Winding
     4     PIXMAP                          tile
     4     PIXMAP                          stipple
     2     INT16                           tile-stipple-x-origin
     2     INT16                           tile-stipple-y-origin
     4     FONT                            font
     1                                     subwindow-mode
          0     ClipByChildren
          1     IncludeInferiors
     1     BOOL                            graphics-exposures
     2     INT16                           clip-x-origin
     2     INT16                           clip-y-origin
     4     PIXMAP                          clip-mask
          0     None
     2     CARD16                          dash-offset
     1     CARD8                           dashes
     1                                     arc-mode
          0     Chord
          1     PieSlice

     1     56                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     3+n                             request length
     4     GCONTEXT                        gc
     4     BITMASK                         value-mask (has n bits set to 1)
          encodings are the same as for CreateGC
     4n     LISTofVALUE                    value-list
          encodings are the same as for CreateGC

     1     57                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     4                               request length
     4     GCONTEXT                        src-gc
     4     GCONTEXT                        dst-gc
     4     BITMASK                         value-mask
          encodings are the same as for CreateGC

     1     58                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     3+(n+p)/4                       request length
     4     GCONTEXT                        gc
     2     CARD16                          dash-offset
     2     n                               length of dashes
     n     LISTofCARD8                     dashes
     p                                     unused, p=pad(n)

     1     59                              opcode
     1                                     ordering
          0     UnSorted
          1     YSorted
          2     YXSorted
          3     YXBanded
     2     3+2n                            request length
     4     GCONTEXT                        gc
     2     INT16                           clip-x-origin
     2     INT16                           clip-y-origin
     8n     LISTofRECTANGLE                rectangles

     1     60                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     4     GCONTEXT                        gc

     1     61                              opcode
     1     BOOL                            exposures
     2     4                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          window
     2     INT16                           x
     2     INT16                           y
     2     CARD16                          width
     2     CARD16                          height

     1     62                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     7                               request length
     4     DRAWABLE                        src-drawable
     4     DRAWABLE                        dst-drawable
     4     GCONTEXT                        gc
     2     INT16                           src-x
     2     INT16                           src-y
     2     INT16                           dst-x
     2     INT16                           dst-y
     2     CARD16                          width
     2     CARD16                          height

     1     63                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     8                               request length
     4     DRAWABLE                        src-drawable
     4     DRAWABLE                        dst-drawable
     4     GCONTEXT                        gc
     2     INT16                           src-x
     2     INT16                           src-y
     2     INT16                           dst-x
     2     INT16                           dst-y
     2     CARD16                          width
     2     CARD16                          height
     4     CARD32                          bit-plane

     1     64                              opcode
     1                                     coordinate-mode
          0     Origin
          1     Previous
     2     3+n                             request length
     4     DRAWABLE                        drawable
     4     GCONTEXT                        gc
     4n     LISTofPOINT                    points

     1     65                              opcode
     1                                     coordinate-mode
          0     Origin
          1     Previous
     2     3+n                             request length
     4     DRAWABLE                        drawable
     4     GCONTEXT                        gc
     4n     LISTofPOINT                    points

     1     66                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     3+2n                            request length
     4     DRAWABLE                        drawable
     4     GCONTEXT                        gc
     8n     LISTofSEGMENT                  segments

     2     INT16                           x1
     2     INT16                           y1
     2     INT16                           x2
     2     INT16                           y2

     1     67                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     3+2n                            request length
     4     DRAWABLE                        drawable
     4     GCONTEXT                        gc
     8n     LISTofRECTANGLE                rectangles

     1     68                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     3+3n                            request length
     4     DRAWABLE                        drawable
     4     GCONTEXT                        gc
     12n     LISTofARC                     arcs

     1     69                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     4+n                             request length
     4     DRAWABLE                        drawable
     4     GCONTEXT                        gc
     1                                     shape
          0     Complex
          1     Nonconvex
          2     Convex
     1                                     coordinate-mode
          0     Origin
          1     Previous
     2                                     unused
     4n     LISTofPOINT                    points

     1     70                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     3+2n                            request length
     4     DRAWABLE                        drawable
     4     GCONTEXT                        gc
     8n     LISTofRECTANGLE                rectangles

     1     71                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     3+3n                            request length
     4     DRAWABLE                        drawable
     4     GCONTEXT                        gc
     12n     LISTofARC                     arcs

     1     72                              opcode
     1                                     format
          0     Bitmap
          1     XYPixmap
          2     ZPixmap
     2     6+(n+p)/4                       request length
     4     DRAWABLE                        drawable
     4     GCONTEXT                        gc
     2     CARD16                          width
     2     CARD16                          height
     2     INT16                           dst-x
     2     INT16                           dst-y
     1     CARD8                           left-pad
     1     CARD8                           depth
     2                                     unused
     n     LISTofBYTE                      data
     p                                     unused, p=pad(n)

     1     73                              opcode
     1                                     format
          1     XYPixmap
          2     ZPixmap
     2     5                               request length
     4     DRAWABLE                        drawable
     2     INT16                           x
     2     INT16                           y
     2     CARD16                          width
     2     CARD16                          height
     4     CARD32                          plane-mask

     1     1                               Reply
     1     CARD8                           depth
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     (n+p)/4                         reply length
     4     VISUALID                        visual
          0     None
     20                                    unused
     n     LISTofBYTE                      data
     p                                     unused, p=pad(n)

     1     74                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     4+(n+p)/4                       request length
     4     DRAWABLE                        drawable
     4     GCONTEXT                        gc
     2     INT16                           x
     2     INT16                           y
     n     LISTofTEXTITEM8                 items
     p                                     unused, p=pad(n)  (p is always 0
                                           or 1)

     1     m                               length of string (cannot be 255)
     1     INT8                            delta
     m     STRING8                         string
     1     255                             font-shift indicator
     1                                     font byte 3 (most-significant)
     1                                     font byte 2
     1                                     font byte 1
     1                                     font byte 0 (least-significant)

     1     75                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     4+(n+p)/4                       request length
     4     DRAWABLE                        drawable
     4     GCONTEXT                        gc
     2     INT16                           x
     2     INT16                           y
     n     LISTofTEXTITEM16                items
     p                                     unused, p=pad(n)  (p must be 0 or

     1     m                               number of CHAR2Bs in string
                                           (cannot be 255)
     1     INT8                            delta
     2m     STRING16                       string
     1     255                             font-shift indicator
     1                                     font byte 3 (most-significant)
     1                                     font byte 2
     1                                     font byte 1
     1                                     font byte 0 (least-significant)

     1     76                              opcode
     1     n                               length of string
     2     4+(n+p)/4                       request length
     4     DRAWABLE                        drawable
     4     GCONTEXT                        gc
     2     INT16                           x
     2     INT16                           y
     n     STRING8                         string
     p                                     unused, p=pad(n)

     1     77                              opcode
     1     n                               number of CHAR2Bs in string
     2     4+(2n+p)/4                      request length
     4     DRAWABLE                        drawable
     4     GCONTEXT                        gc
     2     INT16                           x
     2     INT16                           y
     2n     STRING16                       string
     p                                     unused, p=pad(2n)

     1     78                              opcode
     1                                     alloc
          0     None
          1     All
     2     4                               request length
     4     COLORMAP                        mid
     4     WINDOW                          window
     4     VISUALID                        visual

     1     79                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     4     COLORMAP                        cmap

     1     80                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     3                               request length
     4     COLORMAP                        mid
     4     COLORMAP                        src-cmap

     1     81                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     4     COLORMAP                        cmap

     1     82                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     4     COLORMAP                        cmap

     1     83                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          window

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     n                               reply length
     2     n                               number of COLORMAPs in cmaps
     22                                    unused
     4n     LISTofCOLORMAP                 cmaps

     1     84                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     4                               request length
     4     COLORMAP                        cmap
     2     CARD16                          red
     2     CARD16                          green
     2     CARD16                          blue
     2                                     unused

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     0                               reply length
     2     CARD16                          red
     2     CARD16                          green
     2     CARD16                          blue
     2                                     unused
     4     CARD32                          pixel
     12                                    unused

     1     85                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     3+(n+p)/4                       request length
     4     COLORMAP                        cmap
     2     n                               length of name
     2                                     unused
     n     STRING8                         name
     p                                     unused, p=pad(n)

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     0                               reply length
     4     CARD32                          pixel
     2     CARD16                          exact-red
     2     CARD16                          exact-green
     2     CARD16                          exact-blue
     2     CARD16                          visual-red
     2     CARD16                          visual-green
     2     CARD16                          visual-blue
     8                                     unused

     1     86                              opcode
     1     BOOL                            contiguous
     2     3                               request length
     4     COLORMAP                        cmap
     2     CARD16                          colors
     2     CARD16                          planes

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     n+m                             reply length
     2     n                               number of CARD32s in pixels
     2     m                               number of CARD32s in masks
     20                                    unused
     4n     LISTofCARD32                   pixels
     4m     LISTofCARD32                   masks

     1     87                              opcode
     1     BOOL                            contiguous
     2     4                               request length
     4     COLORMAP                        cmap
     2     CARD16                          colors
     2     CARD16                          reds
     2     CARD16                          greens
     2     CARD16                          blues

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     n                               reply length
     2     n                               number of CARD32s in pixels
     2                                     unused
     4     CARD32                          red-mask
     4     CARD32                          green-mask
     4     CARD32                          blue-mask
     8                                     unused
     4n     LISTofCARD32                   pixels

     1     88                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     3+n                             request length
     4     COLORMAP                        cmap
     4     CARD32                          plane-mask
     4n     LISTofCARD32                   pixels

     1     89                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2+3n                            request length
     4     COLORMAP                        cmap
     12n     LISTofCOLORITEM               items

     4     CARD32                          pixel
     2     CARD16                          red
     2     CARD16                          green
     2     CARD16                          blue
     1                                     do-red, do-green, do-blue
          #x01     do-red (1 is True, 0 is False)
          #x02     do-green (1 is True, 0 is False)
          #x04     do-blue (1 is True, 0 is False)
          #xF8     unused
     1                                     unused

     1     90                              opcode
     1                                     do-red, do-green, do-blue
          #x01     do-red (1 is True, 0 is False)
          #x02     do-green (1 is True, 0 is False)
          #x04     do-blue (1 is True, 0 is False)
          #xF8     unused
     2     4+(n+p)/4                       request length
     4     COLORMAP                        cmap
     4     CARD32                          pixel
     2     n                               length of name
     2                                     unused
     n     STRING8                         name
     p                                     unused, p=pad(n)

     1     91                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2+n                             request length
     4     COLORMAP                        cmap
     4n     LISTofCARD32                   pixels

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     2n                              reply length
     2     n                               number of RGBs in colors
     22                                    unused
     8n     LISTofRGB                      colors

     2     CARD16                          red
     2     CARD16                          green
     2     CARD16                          blue
     2                                     unused

     1     92                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     3+(n+p)/4                       request length
     4     COLORMAP                        cmap
     2     n                               length of name
     2                                     unused
     n     STRING8                         name
     p                                     unused, p=pad(n)

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     0                               reply length
     2     CARD16                          exact-red
     2     CARD16                          exact-green
     2     CARD16                          exact-blue
     2     CARD16                          visual-red
     2     CARD16                          visual-green
     2     CARD16                          visual-blue
     12                                    unused

     1     93                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     8                               request length
     4     CURSOR                          cid
     4     PIXMAP                          source
     4     PIXMAP                          mask
          0     None
     2     CARD16                          fore-red
     2     CARD16                          fore-green
     2     CARD16                          fore-blue
     2     CARD16                          back-red
     2     CARD16                          back-green
     2     CARD16                          back-blue
     2     CARD16                          x
     2     CARD16                          y

     1     94                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     8                               request length
     4     CURSOR                          cid
     4     FONT                            source-font
     4     FONT                            mask-font
          0     None
     2     CARD16                          source-char
     2     CARD16                          mask-char
     2     CARD16                          fore-red
     2     CARD16                          fore-green
     2     CARD16                          fore-blue
     2     CARD16                          back-red
     2     CARD16                          back-green
     2     CARD16                          back-blue

     1     95                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     4     CURSOR                          cursor

     1     96                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     5                               request length
     4     CURSOR                          cursor
     2     CARD16                          fore-red
     2     CARD16                          fore-green
     2     CARD16                          fore-blue
     2     CARD16                          back-red
     2     CARD16                          back-green
     2     CARD16                          back-blue

     1     97                              opcode
     1                                     class
          0     Cursor
          1     Tile
          2     Stipple
     2     3                               request length
     4     DRAWABLE                        drawable
     2     CARD16                          width
     2     CARD16                          height

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     0                               reply length
     2     CARD16                          width
     2     CARD16                          height
     20                                    unused

     1     98                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2+(n+p)/4                       request length
     2     n                               length of name
     2                                     unused
     n     STRING8                         name
     p                                     unused, p=pad(n)

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     0                               reply length
     1     BOOL                            present
     1     CARD8                           major-opcode
     1     CARD8                           first-event
     1     CARD8                           first-error
     20                                    unused

     1     99                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     1                               request length

     1     1                               Reply
     1     CARD8                           number of STRs in names
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     (n+p)/4                         reply length
     24                                    unused
     n     LISTofSTR                       names
     p                                     unused, p=pad(n)

     1     100                             opcode
     1     n                               keycode-count
     2     2+nm                            request length
     1     KEYCODE                         first-keycode
     1     m                               keysyms-per-keycode
     2                                     unused
     4nm     LISTofKEYSYM                  keysyms

     1     101                             opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     1     KEYCODE                         first-keycode
     1     m                               count
     2                                     unused

     1     1                               Reply
     1     n                               keysyms-per-keycode
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     nm                              reply length (m = count field
                                           from the request)
     24                                    unused
     4nm     LISTofKEYSYM                  keysyms

     1     102                             opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2+n                             request length
     4     BITMASK                         value-mask (has n bits set to 1)
          #x0001     key-click-percent
          #x0002     bell-percent
          #x0004     bell-pitch
          #x0008     bell-duration
          #x0010     led
          #x0020     led-mode
          #x0040     key
          #x0080     auto-repeat-mode
     4n     LISTofVALUE                    value-list

     1     INT8                            key-click-percent
     1     INT8                            bell-percent
     2     INT16                           bell-pitch
     2     INT16                           bell-duration
     1     CARD8                           led
     1                                     led-mode
          0     Off
          1     On
     1     KEYCODE                         key
     1                                     auto-repeat-mode
          0     Off
          1     On
          2     Default

     1     103                             opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     1                               request length

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     global-auto-repeat
          0     Off
          1     On
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     5                               reply length
     4     CARD32                          led-mask
     1     CARD8                           key-click-percent
     1     CARD8                           bell-percent
     2     CARD16                          bell-pitch
     2     CARD16                          bell-duration
     2                                     unused
     32     LISTofCARD8                    auto-repeats

     1     104                             opcode
     1     INT8                            percent
     2     1                               request length

     1     105                             opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     3                               request length
     2     INT16                           acceleration-numerator
     2     INT16                           acceleration-denominator
     2     INT16                           threshold
     1     BOOL                            do-acceleration
     1     BOOL                            do-threshold

     1     106                             opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     1                               request length

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     0                               reply length
     2     CARD16                          acceleration-numerator
     2     CARD16                          acceleration-denominator
     2     CARD16                          threshold
     18                                    unused

     1     107                             opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     3                               request length
     2     INT16                           timeout
     2     INT16                           interval
     1                                     prefer-blanking
          0     No
          1     Yes
          2     Default
     1                                     allow-exposures
          0     No
          1     Yes
          2     Default
     2                                     unused

     1     108                             opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     1                               request length

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     0                               reply length
     2     CARD16                          timeout
     2     CARD16                          interval
     1                                     prefer-blanking
          0     No
          1     Yes
     1                                     allow-exposures
          0     No
          1     Yes
     18                                    unused

     1     109                             opcode
     1                                     mode
          0     Insert
          1     Delete
     2     2+(n+p)/4                       request length
     1                                     family
          0     Internet
          1     DECnet
          2     Chaos
     1                                     unused
     2     n                               length of address
     n     LISTofCARD8                     address
     p                                     unused, p=pad(n)

     1     110                             opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     1                               request length

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     mode
          0     Disabled
          1     Enabled
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     n/4                             reply length
     2     CARD16                          number of HOSTs in hosts
     22                                    unused
     n     LISTofHOST                      hosts (n always a multiple of 4)

     1     111                             opcode
     1                                     mode
          0     Disable
          1     Enable
     2     1                               request length

     1     112                             opcode
     1                                     mode
          0     Destroy
          1     RetainPermanent
          2     RetainTemporary
     2     1                               request length

     1     113                             opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     4     CARD32                          resource
          0     AllTemporary

     1     114                             opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     3+n                             request length
     4     WINDOW                          window
     2     n                               number of properties
     2     INT16                           delta
     4n    LISTofATOM                      properties

     1     115                             opcode
     1                                     mode
          0     Reset
          1     Activate
     2     1                               request length

     1     116                             opcode
     1     n                               length of map
     2     1+(n+p)/4                       request length
     n     LISTofCARD8                     map
     p                                     unused, p=pad(n)

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     status
          0     Success
          1     Busy
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     0                               reply length
     24                                    unused

     1     117                             opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     1                               request length

     1     1                               Reply
     1     n                               length of map
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     (n+p)/4                         reply length
     24                                    unused
     n     LISTofCARD8                     map
     p                                     unused, p=pad(n)

     1     118                             opcode
     1     n                               keycodes-per-modifier
     2     1+2n                            request length
     8n    LISTofKEYCODE                   keycodes

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     status
          0     Success
          1     Busy
          2     Failed
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     0                               reply length
     24                                    unused

     1     119                             opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     1                               request length

     1     1                               Reply
     1     n                               keycodes-per-modifier
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     2n                              reply length
     24                                    unused
     8n     LISTofKEYCODE                  keycodes

     1     127                             opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     1+n                             request length
     4n                                    unused
     1     1                               opcode
     1     CARD8                           depth
     2     8+n                             request length
     4     WINDOW                          wid
     4     WINDOW                          parent
     2     INT16                           x
     2     INT16                           y
     2     CARD16                          width
     2     CARD16                          height
     2     CARD16                          border-width
     2                                     class
          0     CopyFromParent
          1     InputOutput
          2     InputOnly
     4     VISUALID                        visual
          0     CopyFromParent
     4     BITMASK                         value-mask (has n bits set to 1)
          #x00000001     background-pixmap
          #x00000002     background-pixel
          #x00000004     border-pixmap
          #x00000008     border-pixel
          #x00000010     bit-gravity
          #x00000020     win-gravity
          #x00000040     backing-store
          #x00000080     backing-planes
          #x00000100     backing-pixel
          #x00000200     override-redirect
          #x00000400     save-under
          #x00000800     event-mask
          #x00001000     do-not-propagate-mask
          #x00002000     colormap
          #x00004000     cursor
     4n     LISTofVALUE                    value-list

     4     PIXMAP                          background-pixmap
          0     None
          1     ParentRelative
     4     CARD32                          background-pixel
     4     PIXMAP                          border-pixmap
          0     CopyFromParent
     4     CARD32                          border-pixel
     1     BITGRAVITY                      bit-gravity
     1     WINGRAVITY                      win-gravity
     1                                     backing-store
          0     NotUseful
          1     WhenMapped
          2     Always
     4     CARD32                          backing-planes
     4     CARD32                          backing-pixel
     1     BOOL                            override-redirect
     1     BOOL                            save-under
     4     SETofEVENT                      event-mask
     4     SETofDEVICEEVENT                do-not-propagate-mask
     4     COLORMAP                        colormap
          0     CopyFromParent
     4     CURSOR                          cursor
          0     None

     1     2                               opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     3+n                             request length
     4     WINDOW                          window
     4     BITMASK                         value-mask (has n bits set to 1)
          encodings are the same as for CreateWindow
     4n     LISTofVALUE                    value-list
          encodings are the same as for CreateWindow

     1     3                               opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          window

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     backing-store
          0     NotUseful
          1     WhenMapped
          2     Always
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     3                               reply length
     4     VISUALID                        visual
     2                                     class
          1     InputOutput
          2     InputOnly
     1     BITGRAVITY                      bit-gravity
     1     WINGRAVITY                      win-gravity
     4     CARD32                          backing-planes
     4     CARD32                          backing-pixel
     1     BOOL                            save-under
     1     BOOL                            map-is-installed
     1                                     map-state
          0     Unmapped
          1     Unviewable
          2     Viewable
     1     BOOL                            override-redirect
     4     COLORMAP                        colormap
          0     None
     4     SETofEVENT                      all-event-masks
     4     SETofEVENT                      your-event-mask
     2     SETofDEVICEEVENT                do-not-propagate-mask
     2                                     unused

     1     4                               opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          window

     1     5                               opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          window

     1     6                               opcode
     1                                     mode
          0     Insert
          1     Delete
     2     2                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          window

     1     7                               opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     4                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          window
     4     WINDOW                          parent
     2     INT16                           x
     2     INT16                           y

     1     8                               opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          window

     1     9                               opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          window

     1     10                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          window

     1     11                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          window

     1     12                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     3+n                             request length
     4     WINDOW                          window
     2     BITMASK                         value-mask (has n bits set to 1)
          #x0001     x
          #x0002     y
          #x0004     width
          #x0008     height
          #x0010     border-width
          #x0020     sibling
          #x0040     stack-mode
     2               unused
     4n     LISTofVALUE                    value-list

     2     INT16                           x
     2     INT16                           y
     2     CARD16                          width
     2     CARD16                          height
     2     CARD16                          border-width
     4     WINDOW                          sibling
     1                                     stack-mode
          0     Above
          1     Below
          2     TopIf
          3     BottomIf
          4     Opposite

     1     13                              opcode
     1                                     direction
          0     RaiseLowest
          1     LowerHighest
     2     2                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          window

     1     14                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     4     DRAWABLE                        drawable

     1     1                               Reply
     1     CARD8                           depth
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     0                               reply length
     4     WINDOW                          root
     2     INT16                           x
     2     INT16                           y
     2     CARD16                          width
     2     CARD16                          height
     2     CARD16                          border-width
     10                                    unused

     1     15                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          window

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     n                               reply length
     4     WINDOW                          root
     4     WINDOW                          parent
          0     None
     2     n                               number of WINDOWs in children
     14                                    unused
     4n     LISTofWINDOW                   children

     1     16                              opcode
     1     BOOL                            only-if-exists
     2     2+(n+p)/4                       request length
     2     n                               length of name
     2                                     unused
     n     STRING8                         name
     p                                     unused, p=pad(n)

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     0                               reply length
     4     ATOM                            atom
           0     None
     20                                    unused

     1     17                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     4     ATOM                            atom

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     (n+p)/4                         reply length
     2     n                               length of name
     22                                    unused
     n     STRING8                         name
     p                                     unused, p=pad(n)

     1     18                              opcode
     1                                     mode
          0     Replace
          1     Prepend
          2     Append
     2     6+(n+p)/4                       request length
     4     WINDOW                          window
     4     ATOM                            property
     4     ATOM                            type
     1     CARD8                           format
     3                                     unused
     4     CARD32                          length of data in format units
                    (= n for format = 8)
                    (= n/2 for format = 16)
                    (= n/4 for format = 32)
     n     LISTofBYTE                      data
                    (n is a multiple of 2 for format = 16)
                    (n is a multiple of 4 for format = 32)
     p                                     unused, p=pad(n)

     1     19                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     3                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          window
     4     ATOM                            property

     1     20                              opcode
     1     BOOL                            delete
     2     6                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          window
     4     ATOM                            property
     4     ATOM                            type
          0     AnyPropertyType
     4     CARD32                          long-offset
     4     CARD32                          long-length

     1     1                               Reply
     1     CARD8                           format
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     (n+p)/4                         reply length
     4     ATOM                            type
          0     None
     4     CARD32                          bytes-after
     4     CARD32                          length of value in format units
                    (= 0 for format = 0)
                    (= n for format = 8)
                    (= n/2 for format = 16)
                    (= n/4 for format = 32)
     12                                    unused
     n     LISTofBYTE                      value
                    (n is zero for format = 0)
                    (n is a multiple of 2 for format = 16)
                    (n is a multiple of 4 for format = 32)
     p                                     unused, p=pad(n)

     1     21                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          window

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     n                               reply length
     2     n                               number of ATOMs in atoms
     22                                    unused
     4n     LISTofATOM                     atoms

     1     22                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     4                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          owner
          0     None
     4     ATOM                            selection
     4     TIMESTAMP                       time
          0     CurrentTime

     1     23                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     4     ATOM                            selection

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     0                               reply length
     4     WINDOW                          owner
          0     None
     20                                    unused

     1     24                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     6                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          requestor
     4     ATOM                            selection
     4     ATOM                            target
     4     ATOM                            property
          0     None
     4     TIMESTAMP                       time
          0     CurrentTime

     1     25                              opcode
     1     BOOL                            propagate
     2     11                              requestlength
     4     WINDOW                          destination
          0     PointerWindow
          1     InputFocus
     4     SETofEVENT                      event-mask
     32                                    event
          standard event format (see the Events section)

     1     26                              opcode
     1     BOOL                            owner-events
     2     6                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          grab-window
     2     SETofPOINTEREVENT               event-mask
     1                                     pointer-mode
          0     Synchronous
          1     Asynchronous
     1                                     keyboard-mode
          0     Synchronous
          1     Asynchronous
     4     WINDOW                          confine-to
          0     None
     4     CURSOR                          cursor
          0     None
     4     TIMESTAMP                       time
          0     CurrentTime

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     status
          0     Success
          1     AlreadyGrabbed
          2     InvalidTime
          3     NotViewable
          4     Frozen
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     0                               reply length
     24                                    unused

     1     27                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     4     TIMESTAMP                       time
          0     CurrentTime

     1     28                              opcode
     1     BOOL                            owner-events
     2     6                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          grab-window
     2     SETofPOINTEREVENT               event-mask
     1                                     pointer-mode
          0     Synchronous
          1     Asynchronous
     1                                     keyboard-mode
          0     Synchronous
          1     Asynchronous
     4     WINDOW                          confine-to
          0     None
     4     CURSOR                          cursor
          0     None
     1     BUTTON                          button
          0     AnyButton
     1                                     unused
     2     SETofKEYMASK                    modifiers
          #x8000                           AnyModifier

     1     29                              opcode
     1     BUTTON                          button
          0     AnyButton
     2     3                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          grab-window
     2     SETofKEYMASK                    modifiers
          #x8000                           AnyModifier
     2                                     unused

     1     30                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     4                               request length
     4     CURSOR                          cursor
          0     None
     4     TIMESTAMP                       time
          0     CurrentTime
     2     SETofPOINTEREVENT               event-mask
     2                                     unused

     1     31                              opcode
     1     BOOL                            owner-events
     2     4                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          grab-window
     4     TIMESTAMP                       time
          0     CurrentTime
     1                                     pointer-mode
          0     Synchronous
          1     Asynchronous
     1                                     keyboard-mode
          0     Synchronous
          1     Asynchronous
     2                                     unused

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     status
          0     Success
          1     AlreadyGrabbed
          2     InvalidTime
          3     NotViewable
          4     Frozen
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     0                               reply length
     24                                    unused

     1     32                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     4     TIMESTAMP                       time
          0     CurrentTime

     1     33                              opcode
     1     BOOL                            owner-events
     2     4                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          grab-window
     2     SETofKEYMASK                    modifiers
          #x8000     AnyModifier
     1     KEYCODE                         key
          0     AnyKey
     1                                     pointer-mode
          0     Synchronous
          1     Asynchronous
     1                                     keyboard-mode
          0     Synchronous
          1     Asynchronous
     3                                     unused

     1     34                              opcode
     1     KEYCODE                         key
          0     AnyKey
     2     3                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          grab-window
     2     SETofKEYMASK                    modifiers
          #x8000     AnyModifier
     2                                     unused

     1     35                              opcode
     1                                     mode
          0     AsyncPointer
          1     SyncPointer
          2     ReplayPointer
          3     AsyncKeyboard
          4     SyncKeyboard
          5     ReplayKeyboard
          6     AsyncBoth
          7     SyncBoth
     2     2                               request length
     4     TIMESTAMP                       time
          0     CurrentTime

     1     36                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     1                               request length

     1     37                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     1                               request length

     1     38                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          window

     1     1                               Reply
     1     BOOL                            same-screen
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     0                               reply length
     4     WINDOW                          root
     4     WINDOW                          child
          0     None
     2     INT16                           root-x
     2     INT16                           root-y
     2     INT16                           win-x
     2     INT16                           win-y
     2     SETofKEYBUTMASK                 mask
     6                                     unused

     1     39                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     4                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          window
     4     TIMESTAMP                       start
          0     CurrentTime
     4     TIMESTAMP                       stop
          0     CurrentTime

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     2n                              reply length
     4     n                               number of TIMECOORDs in events
     20                                    unused
     8n     LISTofTIMECOORD                events

     4     TIMESTAMP                       time
     2     INT16                           x
     2     INT16                           y

     1     40                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     4                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          src-window
     4     WINDOW                          dst-window
     2     INT16                           src-x
     2     INT16                           src-y

     1     1                               Reply
     1     BOOL                            same-screen
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     0                               reply length
     4     WINDOW                          child
          0     None
     2     INT16                           dst-x
     2     INT16                           dst-y
     16                                    unused

     1     41                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     6                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          src-window
          0     None
     4     WINDOW                          dst-window
          0     None
     2     INT16                           src-x
     2     INT16                           src-y
     2     CARD16                          src-width
     2     CARD16                          src-height
     2     INT16                           dst-x
     2     INT16                           dst-y

     1     42                              opcode
     1                                     revert-to
          0     None
          1     PointerRoot
          2     Parent
     2     3                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          focus
          0     None
          1     PointerRoot
     4     TIMESTAMP                       time
          0     CurrentTime

     1     43                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     1                               request length

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     revert-to
          0     None
          1     PointerRoot
          2     Parent
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     0                               reply length
     4     WINDOW                          focus
          0     None
          1     PointerRoot
     20                                    unused

     1     44                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     1                               request length

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     2                               reply length
     32     LISTofCARD8                    keys

     1     45                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     3+(n+p)/4                       request length
     4     FONT                            fid
     2     n                               length of name
     2                                     unused
     n     STRING8                         name
     p                                     unused, p=pad(n)

     1     46                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     4     FONT                            font

     1     47                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     4     FONTABLE                        font

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     7+2n+3m                         reply length
     12     CHARINFO                       min-bounds
     4                                     unused
     12     CHARINFO                       max-bounds
     4                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          min-char-or-byte2
     2     CARD16                          max-char-or-byte2
     2     CARD16                          default-char
     2     n                               number of FONTPROPs in properties
     1                                     draw-direction
          0     LeftToRight
          1     RightToLeft
     1     CARD8                           min-byte1
     1     CARD8                           max-byte1
     1     BOOL                            all-chars-exist
     2     INT16                           font-ascent
     2     INT16                           font-descent
     4     m                               number of CHARINFOs in char-infos
     8n     LISTofFONTPROP                 properties
     12m     LISTofCHARINFO                char-infos

     4     ATOM                            name
     4     <32-bits>                 value

     2     INT16                           left-side-bearing
     2     INT16                           right-side-bearing
     2     INT16                           character-width
     2     INT16                           ascent
     2     INT16                           descent
     2     CARD16                          attributes

     1     48                              opcode
     1     BOOL                            odd length, True if p = 2
     2     2+(2n+p)/4                      request length
     4     FONTABLE                        font
     2n     STRING16                       string
     p                                     unused, p=pad(2n)

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     draw-direction
          0     LeftToRight
          1     RightToLeft
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     0                               reply length
     2     INT16                           font-ascent
     2     INT16                           font-descent
     2     INT16                           overall-ascent
     2     INT16                           overall-descent
     4     INT32                           overall-width
     4     INT32                           overall-left
     4     INT32                           overall-right
     4                                     unused

     1     49                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2+(n+p)/4                       request length
     2     CARD16                          max-names
     2     n                               length of pattern
     n     STRING8                         pattern
     p                                     unused, p=pad(n)

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     (n+p)/4                         reply length
     2     CARD16                          number of STRs in names
     22                                    unused
     n     LISTofSTR                       names
     p                                     unused, p=pad(n)

     1     50                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2+(n+p)/4                       request length
     2     CARD16                          max-names
     2     n                               length of pattern
     n     STRING8                         pattern
     p                                     unused, p=pad(n)

▶ (except for last in series)
     1     1                               Reply
     1     n                               length of name in bytes
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     7+2m+(n+p)/4                    reply length
     12     CHARINFO                       min-bounds
     4                                     unused
     12     CHARINFO                       max-bounds
     4                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          min-char-or-byte2
     2     CARD16                          max-char-or-byte2
     2     CARD16                          default-char
     2     m                               number of FONTPROPs in properties
     1                                     draw-direction
          0     LeftToRight
          1     RightToLeft
     1     CARD8                           min-byte1
     1     CARD8                           max-byte1
     1     BOOL                            all-chars-exist
     2     INT16                           font-ascent
     2     INT16                           font-descent
     4     CARD32                          replies-hint
     8m     LISTofFONTPROP                 properties
     n     STRING8                         name
     p                                     unused, p=pad(n)

     encodings are the same as for QueryFont

     encodings are the same as for QueryFont

▶ (last in series)
     1     1                               Reply
     1     0                               last-reply indicator
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     7                               reply length
     52                                    unused

     1     51                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2+(n+p)/4                       request length
     2     CARD16                          number of STRs in path
     2                                     unused
     n     LISTofSTR                       path
     p                                     unused, p=pad(n)

     1     52                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     1                               request list

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     (n+p)/4                         reply length
     2     CARD16                          number of STRs in path
     22                                    unused
     n     LISTofSTR                       path
     p                                     unused, p=pad(n)

     1     53                              opcode
     1     CARD8                           depth
     2     4                               request length
     4     PIXMAP                          pid
     4     DRAWABLE                        drawable
     2     CARD16                          width
     2     CARD16                          height

     1     54                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     4     PIXMAP                          pixmap

     1     55                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     4+n                             request length
     4     GCONTEXT                        cid
     4     DRAWABLE                        drawable
     4     BITMASK                         value-mask (has n bits set to 1)
          #x00000001     function
          #x00000002     plane-mask
          #x00000004     foreground
          #x00000008     background
          #x00000010     line-width
          #x00000020     line-style
          #x00000040     cap-style
          #x00000080     join-style
          #x00000100     fill-style
          #x00000200     fill-rule
          #x00000400     tile
          #x00000800     stipple
          #x00001000     tile-stipple-x-origin
          #x00002000     tile-stipple-y-origin
          #x00004000     font
          #x00008000     subwindow-mode
          #x00010000     graphics-exposures
          #x00020000     clip-x-origin
          #x00040000     clip-y-origin
          #x00080000     clip-mask
          #x00100000     dash-offset
          #x00200000     dashes
          #x00400000     arc-mode
     4n     LISTofVALUE                    value-list

     1                                     function
           0     Clear
           1     And
           2     AndReverse
           3     Copy
           4     AndInverted
           5     NoOp
           6     Xor
           7     Or
           8     Nor
           9     Equiv
          10     Invert
          11     OrReverse
          12     CopyInverted
          13     OrInverted
          14     Nand
          15     Set
     4     CARD32                          plane-mask
     4     CARD32                          foreground
     4     CARD32                          background
     2     CARD16                          line-width
     1                                     line-style
          0     Solid
          1     OnOffDash
          2     DoubleDash
     1                                     cap-style
          0     NotLast
          1     Butt
          2     Round
          3     Projecting
     1                                     join-style
          0     Miter
          1     Round
          2     Bevel
     1                                     fill-style
          0     Solid
          1     Tiled
          2     Stippled
          3     OpaqueStippled
     1                                     fill-rule
          0     EvenOdd
          1     Winding
     4     PIXMAP                          tile
     4     PIXMAP                          stipple
     2     INT16                           tile-stipple-x-origin
     2     INT16                           tile-stipple-y-origin
     4     FONT                            font
     1                                     subwindow-mode
          0     ClipByChildren
          1     IncludeInferiors
     1     BOOL                            graphics-exposures
     2     INT16                           clip-x-origin
     2     INT16                           clip-y-origin
     4     PIXMAP                          clip-mask
          0     None
     2     CARD16                          dash-offset
     1     CARD8                           dashes
     1                                     arc-mode
          0     Chord
          1     PieSlice

     1     56                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     3+n                             request length
     4     GCONTEXT                        gc
     4     BITMASK                         value-mask (has n bits set to 1)
          encodings are the same as for CreateGC
     4n     LISTofVALUE                    value-list
          encodings are the same as for CreateGC

     1     57                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     4                               request length
     4     GCONTEXT                        src-gc
     4     GCONTEXT                        dst-gc
     4     BITMASK                         value-mask
          encodings are the same as for CreateGC

     1     58                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     3+(n+p)/4                       request length
     4     GCONTEXT                        gc
     2     CARD16                          dash-offset
     2     n                               length of dashes
     n     LISTofCARD8                     dashes
     p                                     unused, p=pad(n)

     1     59                              opcode
     1                                     ordering
          0     UnSorted
          1     YSorted
          2     YXSorted
          3     YXBanded
     2     3+2n                            request length
     4     GCONTEXT                        gc
     2     INT16                           clip-x-origin
     2     INT16                           clip-y-origin
     8n     LISTofRECTANGLE                rectangles

     1     60                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     4     GCONTEXT                        gc

     1     61                              opcode
     1     BOOL                            exposures
     2     4                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          window
     2     INT16                           x
     2     INT16                           y
     2     CARD16                          width
     2     CARD16                          height

     1     62                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     7                               request length
     4     DRAWABLE                        src-drawable
     4     DRAWABLE                        dst-drawable
     4     GCONTEXT                        gc
     2     INT16                           src-x
     2     INT16                           src-y
     2     INT16                           dst-x
     2     INT16                           dst-y
     2     CARD16                          width
     2     CARD16                          height

     1     63                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     8                               request length
     4     DRAWABLE                        src-drawable
     4     DRAWABLE                        dst-drawable
     4     GCONTEXT                        gc
     2     INT16                           src-x
     2     INT16                           src-y
     2     INT16                           dst-x
     2     INT16                           dst-y
     2     CARD16                          width
     2     CARD16                          height
     4     CARD32                          bit-plane

     1     64                              opcode
     1                                     coordinate-mode
          0     Origin
          1     Previous
     2     3+n                             request length
     4     DRAWABLE                        drawable
     4     GCONTEXT                        gc
     4n     LISTofPOINT                    points

     1     65                              opcode
     1                                     coordinate-mode
          0     Origin
          1     Previous
     2     3+n                             request length
     4     DRAWABLE                        drawable
     4     GCONTEXT                        gc
     4n     LISTofPOINT                    points

     1     66                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     3+2n                            request length
     4     DRAWABLE                        drawable
     4     GCONTEXT                        gc
     8n     LISTofSEGMENT                  segments

     2     INT16                           x1
     2     INT16                           y1
     2     INT16                           x2
     2     INT16                           y2

     1     67                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     3+2n                            request length
     4     DRAWABLE                        drawable
     4     GCONTEXT                        gc
     8n     LISTofRECTANGLE                rectangles

     1     68                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     3+3n                            request length
     4     DRAWABLE                        drawable
     4     GCONTEXT                        gc
     12n     LISTofARC                     arcs

     1     69                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     4+n                             request length
     4     DRAWABLE                        drawable
     4     GCONTEXT                        gc
     1                                     shape
          0     Complex
          1     Nonconvex
          2     Convex
     1                                     coordinate-mode
          0     Origin
          1     Previous
     2                                     unused
     4n     LISTofPOINT                    points

     1     70                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     3+2n                            request length
     4     DRAWABLE                        drawable
     4     GCONTEXT                        gc
     8n     LISTofRECTANGLE                rectangles

     1     71                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     3+3n                            request length
     4     DRAWABLE                        drawable
     4     GCONTEXT                        gc
     12n     LISTofARC                     arcs

     1     72                              opcode
     1                                     format
          0     Bitmap
          1     XYPixmap
          2     ZPixmap
     2     6+(n+p)/4                       request length
     4     DRAWABLE                        drawable
     4     GCONTEXT                        gc
     2     CARD16                          width
     2     CARD16                          height
     2     INT16                           dst-x
     2     INT16                           dst-y
     1     CARD8                           left-pad
     1     CARD8                           depth
     2                                     unused
     n     LISTofBYTE                      data
     p                                     unused, p=pad(n)

     1     73                              opcode
     1                                     format
          1     XYPixmap
          2     ZPixmap
     2     5                               request length
     4     DRAWABLE                        drawable
     2     INT16                           x
     2     INT16                           y
     2     CARD16                          width
     2     CARD16                          height
     4     CARD32                          plane-mask

     1     1                               Reply
     1     CARD8                           depth
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     (n+p)/4                         reply length
     4     VISUALID                        visual
          0     None
     20                                    unused
     n     LISTofBYTE                      data
     p                                     unused, p=pad(n)

     1     74                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     4+(n+p)/4                       request length
     4     DRAWABLE                        drawable
     4     GCONTEXT                        gc
     2     INT16                           x
     2     INT16                           y
     n     LISTofTEXTITEM8                 items
     p                                     unused, p=pad(n)  (p is always 0
                                           or 1)

     1     m                               length of string (cannot be 255)
     1     INT8                            delta
     m     STRING8                         string
     1     255                             font-shift indicator
     1                                     font byte 3 (most-significant)
     1                                     font byte 2
     1                                     font byte 1
     1                                     font byte 0 (least-significant)

     1     75                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     4+(n+p)/4                       request length
     4     DRAWABLE                        drawable
     4     GCONTEXT                        gc
     2     INT16                           x
     2     INT16                           y
     n     LISTofTEXTITEM16                items
     p                                     unused, p=pad(n)  (p must be 0 or

     1     m                               number of CHAR2Bs in string
                                           (cannot be 255)
     1     INT8                            delta
     2m     STRING16                       string
     1     255                             font-shift indicator
     1                                     font byte 3 (most-significant)
     1                                     font byte 2
     1                                     font byte 1
     1                                     font byte 0 (least-significant)

     1     76                              opcode
     1     n                               length of string
     2     4+(n+p)/4                       request length
     4     DRAWABLE                        drawable
     4     GCONTEXT                        gc
     2     INT16                           x
     2     INT16                           y
     n     STRING8                         string
     p                                     unused, p=pad(n)

     1     77                              opcode
     1     n                               number of CHAR2Bs in string
     2     4+(2n+p)/4                      request length
     4     DRAWABLE                        drawable
     4     GCONTEXT                        gc
     2     INT16                           x
     2     INT16                           y
     2n     STRING16                       string
     p                                     unused, p=pad(2n)

     1     78                              opcode
     1                                     alloc
          0     None
          1     All
     2     4                               request length
     4     COLORMAP                        mid
     4     WINDOW                          window
     4     VISUALID                        visual

     1     79                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     4     COLORMAP                        cmap

     1     80                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     3                               request length
     4     COLORMAP                        mid
     4     COLORMAP                        src-cmap

     1     81                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     4     COLORMAP                        cmap

     1     82                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     4     COLORMAP                        cmap

     1     83                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     4     WINDOW                          window

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     n                               reply length
     2     n                               number of COLORMAPs in cmaps
     22                                    unused
     4n     LISTofCOLORMAP                 cmaps

     1     84                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     4                               request length
     4     COLORMAP                        cmap
     2     CARD16                          red
     2     CARD16                          green
     2     CARD16                          blue
     2                                     unused

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     0                               reply length
     2     CARD16                          red
     2     CARD16                          green
     2     CARD16                          blue
     2                                     unused
     4     CARD32                          pixel
     12                                    unused

     1     85                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     3+(n+p)/4                       request length
     4     COLORMAP                        cmap
     2     n                               length of name
     2                                     unused
     n     STRING8                         name
     p                                     unused, p=pad(n)

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     0                               reply length
     4     CARD32                          pixel
     2     CARD16                          exact-red
     2     CARD16                          exact-green
     2     CARD16                          exact-blue
     2     CARD16                          visual-red
     2     CARD16                          visual-green
     2     CARD16                          visual-blue
     8                                     unused

     1     86                              opcode
     1     BOOL                            contiguous
     2     3                               request length
     4     COLORMAP                        cmap
     2     CARD16                          colors
     2     CARD16                          planes

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     n+m                             reply length
     2     n                               number of CARD32s in pixels
     2     m                               number of CARD32s in masks
     20                                    unused
     4n     LISTofCARD32                   pixels
     4m     LISTofCARD32                   masks

     1     87                              opcode
     1     BOOL                            contiguous
     2     4                               request length
     4     COLORMAP                        cmap
     2     CARD16                          colors
     2     CARD16                          reds
     2     CARD16                          greens
     2     CARD16                          blues

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     n                               reply length
     2     n                               number of CARD32s in pixels
     2                                     unused
     4     CARD32                          red-mask
     4     CARD32                          green-mask
     4     CARD32                          blue-mask
     8                                     unused
     4n     LISTofCARD32                   pixels

     1     88                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     3+n                             request length
     4     COLORMAP                        cmap
     4     CARD32                          plane-mask
     4n     LISTofCARD32                   pixels

     1     89                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2+3n                            request length
     4     COLORMAP                        cmap
     12n     LISTofCOLORITEM               items

     4     CARD32                          pixel
     2     CARD16                          red
     2     CARD16                          green
     2     CARD16                          blue
     1                                     do-red, do-green, do-blue
          #x01     do-red (1 is True, 0 is False)
          #x02     do-green (1 is True, 0 is False)
          #x04     do-blue (1 is True, 0 is False)
          #xF8     unused
     1                                     unused

     1     90                              opcode
     1                                     do-red, do-green, do-blue
          #x01     do-red (1 is True, 0 is False)
          #x02     do-green (1 is True, 0 is False)
          #x04     do-blue (1 is True, 0 is False)
          #xF8     unused
     2     4+(n+p)/4                       request length
     4     COLORMAP                        cmap
     4     CARD32                          pixel
     2     n                               length of name
     2                                     unused
     n     STRING8                         name
     p                                     unused, p=pad(n)

     1     91                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2+n                             request length
     4     COLORMAP                        cmap
     4n     LISTofCARD32                   pixels

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     2n                              reply length
     2     n                               number of RGBs in colors
     22                                    unused
     8n     LISTofRGB                      colors

     2     CARD16                          red
     2     CARD16                          green
     2     CARD16                          blue
     2                                     unused

     1     92                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     3+(n+p)/4                       request length
     4     COLORMAP                        cmap
     2     n                               length of name
     2                                     unused
     n     STRING8                         name
     p                                     unused, p=pad(n)

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     0                               reply length
     2     CARD16                          exact-red
     2     CARD16                          exact-green
     2     CARD16                          exact-blue
     2     CARD16                          visual-red
     2     CARD16                          visual-green
     2     CARD16                          visual-blue
     12                                    unused

     1     93                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     8                               request length
     4     CURSOR                          cid
     4     PIXMAP                          source
     4     PIXMAP                          mask
          0     None
     2     CARD16                          fore-red
     2     CARD16                          fore-green
     2     CARD16                          fore-blue
     2     CARD16                          back-red
     2     CARD16                          back-green
     2     CARD16                          back-blue
     2     CARD16                          x
     2     CARD16                          y

     1     94                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     8                               request length
     4     CURSOR                          cid
     4     FONT                            source-font
     4     FONT                            mask-font
          0     None
     2     CARD16                          source-char
     2     CARD16                          mask-char
     2     CARD16                          fore-red
     2     CARD16                          fore-green
     2     CARD16                          fore-blue
     2     CARD16                          back-red
     2     CARD16                          back-green
     2     CARD16                          back-blue

     1     95                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     4     CURSOR                          cursor

     1     96                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     5                               request length
     4     CURSOR                          cursor
     2     CARD16                          fore-red
     2     CARD16                          fore-green
     2     CARD16                          fore-blue
     2     CARD16                          back-red
     2     CARD16                          back-green
     2     CARD16                          back-blue

     1     97                              opcode
     1                                     class
          0     Cursor
          1     Tile
          2     Stipple
     2     3                               request length
     4     DRAWABLE                        drawable
     2     CARD16                          width
     2     CARD16                          height

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     0                               reply length
     2     CARD16                          width
     2     CARD16                          height
     20                                    unused

     1     98                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2+(n+p)/4                       request length
     2     n                               length of name
     2                                     unused
     n     STRING8                         name
     p                                     unused, p=pad(n)

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     0                               reply length
     1     BOOL                            present
     1     CARD8                           major-opcode
     1     CARD8                           first-event
     1     CARD8                           first-error
     20                                    unused

     1     99                              opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     1                               request length

     1     1                               Reply
     1     CARD8                           number of STRs in names
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     (n+p)/4                         reply length
     24                                    unused
     n     LISTofSTR                       names
     p                                     unused, p=pad(n)

     1     100                             opcode
     1     n                               keycode-count
     2     2+nm                            request length
     1     KEYCODE                         first-keycode
     1     m                               keysyms-per-keycode
     2                                     unused
     4nm     LISTofKEYSYM                  keysyms

     1     101                             opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     1     KEYCODE                         first-keycode
     1     m                               count
     2                                     unused

     1     1                               Reply
     1     n                               keysyms-per-keycode
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     nm                              reply length (m = count field
                                           from the request)
     24                                    unused
     4nm     LISTofKEYSYM                  keysyms

     1     102                             opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2+n                             request length
     4     BITMASK                         value-mask (has n bits set to 1)
          #x0001     key-click-percent
          #x0002     bell-percent
          #x0004     bell-pitch
          #x0008     bell-duration
          #x0010     led
          #x0020     led-mode
          #x0040     key
          #x0080     auto-repeat-mode
     4n     LISTofVALUE                    value-list

     1     INT8                            key-click-percent
     1     INT8                            bell-percent
     2     INT16                           bell-pitch
     2     INT16                           bell-duration
     1     CARD8                           led
     1                                     led-mode
          0     Off
          1     On
     1     KEYCODE                         key
     1                                     auto-repeat-mode
          0     Off
          1     On
          2     Default

     1     103                             opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     1                               request length

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     global-auto-repeat
          0     Off
          1     On
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     5                               reply length
     4     CARD32                          led-mask
     1     CARD8                           key-click-percent
     1     CARD8                           bell-percent
     2     CARD16                          bell-pitch
     2     CARD16                          bell-duration
     2                                     unused
     32     LISTofCARD8                    auto-repeats

     1     104                             opcode
     1     INT8                            percent
     2     1                               request length

     1     105                             opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     3                               request length
     2     INT16                           acceleration-numerator
     2     INT16                           acceleration-denominator
     2     INT16                           threshold
     1     BOOL                            do-acceleration
     1     BOOL                            do-threshold

     1     106                             opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     1                               request length

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     0                               reply length
     2     CARD16                          acceleration-numerator
     2     CARD16                          acceleration-denominator
     2     CARD16                          threshold
     18                                    unused

     1     107                             opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     3                               request length
     2     INT16                           timeout
     2     INT16                           interval
     1                                     prefer-blanking
          0     No
          1     Yes
          2     Default
     1                                     allow-exposures
          0     No
          1     Yes
          2     Default
     2                                     unused

     1     108                             opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     1                               request length

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     0                               reply length
     2     CARD16                          timeout
     2     CARD16                          interval
     1                                     prefer-blanking
          0     No
          1     Yes
     1                                     allow-exposures
          0     No
          1     Yes
     18                                    unused

     1     109                             opcode
     1                                     mode
          0     Insert
          1     Delete
     2     2+(n+p)/4                       request length
     1                                     family
          0     Internet
          1     DECnet
          2     Chaos
     1                                     unused
     2     n                               length of address
     n     LISTofCARD8                     address
     p                                     unused, p=pad(n)

     1     110                             opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     1                               request length

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     mode
          0     Disabled
          1     Enabled
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     n/4                             reply length
     2     CARD16                          number of HOSTs in hosts
     22                                    unused
     n     LISTofHOST                      hosts (n always a multiple of 4)

     1     111                             opcode
     1                                     mode
          0     Disable
          1     Enable
     2     1                               request length

     1     112                             opcode
     1                                     mode
          0     Destroy
          1     RetainPermanent
          2     RetainTemporary
     2     1                               request length

     1     113                             opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     2                               request length
     4     CARD32                          resource
          0     AllTemporary

     1     114                             opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     3+n                             request length
     4     WINDOW                          window
     2     n                               number of properties
     2     INT16                           delta
     4n    LISTofATOM                      properties

     1     115                             opcode
     1                                     mode
          0     Reset
          1     Activate
     2     1                               request length

     1     116                             opcode
     1     n                               length of map
     2     1+(n+p)/4                       request length
     n     LISTofCARD8                     map
     p                                     unused, p=pad(n)

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     status
          0     Success
          1     Busy
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     0                               reply length
     24                                    unused

     1     117                             opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     1                               request length

     1     1                               Reply
     1     n                               length of map
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     (n+p)/4                         reply length
     24                                    unused
     n     LISTofCARD8                     map
     p                                     unused, p=pad(n)

     1     118                             opcode
     1     n                               keycodes-per-modifier
     2     1+2n                            request length
     8n    LISTofKEYCODE                   keycodes

     1     1                               Reply
     1                                     status
          0     Success
          1     Busy
          2     Failed
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     0                               reply length
     24                                    unused

     1     119                             opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     1                               request length

     1     1                               Reply
     1     n                               keycodes-per-modifier
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     2n                              reply length
     24                                    unused
     8n     LISTofKEYCODE                  keycodes

     1     127                             opcode
     1                                     unused
     2     1+n                             request length
     4n                                    unused


     1     2                               code
     1     KEYCODE                         detail
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     TIMESTAMP                       time
     4     WINDOW                          root
     4     WINDOW                          event
     4     WINDOW                          child
          0     None
     2     INT16                           root-x
     2     INT16                           root-y
     2     INT16                           event-x
     2     INT16                           event-y
     2     SETofKEYBUTMASK                 state
     1     BOOL                            same-screen
     1                                     unused

     1     3                               code
     1     KEYCODE                         detail
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     TIMESTAMP                       time
     4     WINDOW                          root
     4     WINDOW                          event
     4     WINDOW                          child
          0     None
     2     INT16                           root-x
     2     INT16                           root-y
     2     INT16                           event-x
     2     INT16                           event-y
     2     SETofKEYBUTMASK                 state
     1     BOOL                            same-screen
     1                                     unused

     1     4                               code
     1     BUTTON                          detail
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     TIMESTAMP                       time
     4     WINDOW                          root
     4     WINDOW                          event
     4     WINDOW                          child
          0     None
     2     INT16                           root-x
     2     INT16                           root-y
     2     INT16                           event-x
     2     INT16                           event-y
     2     SETofKEYBUTMASK                 state
     1     BOOL                            same-screen
     1                                     unused

     1     5                               code
     1     BUTTON                          detail
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     TIMESTAMP                       time
     4     WINDOW                          root
     4     WINDOW                          event
     4     WINDOW                          child
          0     None
     2     INT16                           root-x
     2     INT16                           root-y
     2     INT16                           event-x
     2     INT16                           event-y
     2     SETofKEYBUTMASK                 state
     1     BOOL                            same-screen
     1                                     unused

     1     6                               code
     1                                     detail
          0     Normal
          1     Hint
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     TIMESTAMP                       time
     4     WINDOW                          root
     4     WINDOW                          event
     4     WINDOW                          child
           0     None
     2     INT16                           root-x
     2     INT16                           root-y
     2     INT16                           event-x
     2     INT16                           event-y
     2     SETofKEYBUTMASK                 state
     1     BOOL                            same-screen
     1                                     unused

     1     7                               code
     1                                     detail
          0     Ancestor
          1     Virtual
          2     Inferior
          3     Nonlinear
          4     NonlinearVirtual
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     TIMESTAMP                       time
     4     WINDOW                          root
     4     WINDOW                          event
     4     WINDOW                          child
          0     None
     2     INT16                           root-x
     2     INT16                           root-y
     2     INT16                           event-x
     2     INT16                           event-y
     2     SETofKEYBUTMASK                 state
     1                                     mode
          0     Normal
          1     Grab
          2     Ungrab
     1                                     same-screen, focus
          #x01     focus (1 is True, 0 is False)
          #x02     same-screen (1 is True, 0 is False)
          #xFC     unused

     1     8                               code
     1                                     detail
          0     Ancestor
          1     Virtual
          2     Inferior
          3     Nonlinear
          4     NonlinearVirtual
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     TIMESTAMP                       time
     4     WINDOW                          root
     4     WINDOW                          event
     4     WINDOW                          child
          0     None
     2     INT16                           root-x
     2     INT16                           root-y
     2     INT16                           event-x
     2     INT16                           event-y
     2     SETofKEYBUTMASK                 state
     1                                     mode
          0     Normal
          1     Grab
          2     Ungrab
     1                                     same-screen, focus
          #x01     focus (1 is True, 0 is False)
          #x02     same-screen (1 is True, 0 is False)
          #xFC     unused

     1     9                               code
     1                                     detail
          0     Ancestor
          1     Virtual
          2     Inferior
          3     Nonlinear
          4     NonlinearVirtual
          5     Pointer
          6     PointerRoot
          7     None
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     WINDOW                          event
     1                                     mode
          0     Normal
          1     Grab
          2     Ungrab
          3     WhileGrabbed
     23                                    unused

     1     10                              code
     1                                     detail
          0     Ancestor
          1     Virtual
          2     Inferior
          3     Nonlinear
          4     NonlinearVirtual
          5     Pointer
          6     PointerRoot
          7     None
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     WINDOW                          event
     1                                     mode
          0     Normal
          1     Grab
          2     Ungrab
          3     WhileGrabbed
     23                                    unused

     1     11                              code
     31    LISTofCARD8                     keys (byte for keycodes 0-7 is

     1     12                              code
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     WINDOW                          window
     2     CARD16                          x
     2     CARD16                          y
     2     CARD16                          width
     2     CARD16                          height
     2     CARD16                          count
     14                                    unused

     1     13                              code
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     DRAWABLE                        drawable
     2     CARD16                          x
     2     CARD16                          y
     2     CARD16                          width
     2     CARD16                          height
     2     CARD16                          minor-opcode
     2     CARD16                          count
     1     CARD8                           major-opcode
     11                                    unused

     1     14                              code
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     DRAWABLE                        drawable
     2     CARD16                          minor-opcode
     1     CARD8                           major-opcode
     21                                    unused

     1     15                              code
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     WINDOW                          window
     1                                     state
          0     Unobscured
          1     PartiallyObscured
          2     FullyObscured
     23                                    unused

     1     16                              code
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     WINDOW                          parent
     4     WINDOW                          window
     2     INT16                           x
     2     INT16                           y
     2     CARD16                          width
     2     CARD16                          height
     2     CARD16                          border-width
     1     BOOL                            override-redirect
     9                                     unused

     1     17                              code
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     WINDOW                          event
     4     WINDOW                          window
     20                                    unused

     1     18                              code
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     WINDOW                          event
     4     WINDOW                          window
     1     BOOL                            from-configure
     19                                    unused

     1     19                              code
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     WINDOW                          event
     4     WINDOW                          window
     1     BOOL                            override-redirect
     19                                    unused

     1     20                              code
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     WINDOW                          parent
     4     WINDOW                          window
     20                                    unused

     1     21                              code
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     WINDOW                          event
     4     WINDOW                          window
     4     WINDOW                          parent
     2     INT16                           x
     2     INT16                           y
     1     BOOL                            override-redirect
     11                                    unused

     1     22                              code
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     WINDOW                          event
     4     WINDOW                          window
     4     WINDOW                          above-sibling
          0     None
     2     INT16                           x
     2     INT16                           y
     2     CARD16                          width
     2     CARD16                          height
     2     CARD16                          border-width
     1     BOOL                            override-redirect
     5                                     unused

     1     23                              code
     1                                     stack-mode
          0     Above
          1     Below
          2     TopIf
          3     BottomIf
          4     Opposite
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     WINDOW                          parent
     4     WINDOW                          window
     4     WINDOW                          sibling
          0     None
     2     INT16                           x
     2     INT16                           y
     2     CARD16                          width
     2     CARD16                          height
     2     CARD16                          border-width
     2     BITMASK                         value-mask
          #x0001     x
          #x0002     y
          #x0004     width
          #x0008     height
          #x0010     border-width
          #x0020     sibling
          #x0040     stack-mode
     4                                     unused

     1     24                              code
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     WINDOW                          event
     4     WINDOW                          window
     2     INT16                           x
     2     INT16                           y
     16                                    unused

     1     25                              code
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     WINDOW                          window
     2     CARD16                          width
     2     CARD16                          height
     20                                    unused

     1     26                              code
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     WINDOW                          event
     4     WINDOW                          window
     4     WINDOW                          unused
     1                                     place
          0     Top
          1     Bottom
     15                                    unused

     1     27                              code
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     WINDOW                          parent
     4     WINDOW                          window
     4                                     unused
     1                                     place
          0     Top
          1     Bottom
     15                                    unused

     1     28                              code
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     WINDOW                          window
     4     ATOM                            atom
     4     TIMESTAMP                       time
     1                                     state
          0     NewValue
          1     Deleted
     15                                    unused

     1     29                              code
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     TIMESTAMP                       time
     4     WINDOW                          owner
     4     ATOM                            selection
     16                                    unused

     1     30                              code
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     TIMESTAMP                       time
          0     CurrentTime
     4     WINDOW                          owner
     4     WINDOW                          requestor
     4     ATOM                            selection
     4     ATOM                            target
     4     ATOM                            property
          0     None
     4                                     unused

     1     31                              code
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     TIMESTAMP                       time
          0     CurrentTime
     4     WINDOW                          requestor
     4     ATOM                            selection
     4     ATOM                            target
     4     ATOM                            property
          0     None
     8                                     unused

     1     32                              code
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     WINDOW                          window
     4     COLORMAP                        colormap
          0     None
     1     BOOL                            new
     1                                     state
          0     Uninstalled
          1     Installed
     18                                    unused

     1     33                              code
     1     CARD8                           format
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     4     WINDOW                          window
     4     ATOM                            type
     20                                    data

     1     34                              code
     1                                     unused
     2     CARD16                          sequence number
     1                                     request
          0     Modifier
          1     Keyboard
          2     Pointer
     1     KEYCODE                         first-keycode
     1     CARD8                           count
     25                                    unused