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Chapter 3. Peer-to-Peer Communication by Means of Cut Buffers

The cut buffer mechanism is much simpler but much less powerful than the selection mechanism. The selection mechanism is active in that it provides a link between the owner and requestor clients. The cut buffer mechanism is passive; an owner places data in a cut buffer from which a requestor retrieves the data at some later time.

The cut buffers consist of eight properties on the root of screen zero, named by the predefined atoms CUT_BUFFER0 to CUT_BUFFER7. These properties must, at present, have type STRING and format 8. A client that uses the cut buffer mechanism must initially ensure that all eight properties exist by using ChangeProperty requests to append zero-length data to each.

A client that stores data in the cut buffers (an owner) first must rotate the ring of buffers by plus 1 by using RotateProperties requests to rename each buffer; that is, CUT_BUFFER0 to CUT_BUFFER1, CUT_BUFFER1 to CUT_BUFFER2, ..., and CUT_BUFFER7 to CUT_BUFFER0. It then must store the data into CUT_BUFFER0 by using a ChangeProperty request in mode Replace.

A client that obtains data from the cut buffers should use a GetProperty request to retrieve the contents of CUT_BUFFER0.

In response to a specific user request, a client may rotate the cut buffers by minus 1 by using RotateProperties requests to rename each buffer; that is, CUT_BUFFER7 to CUT_BUFFER6, CUT_BUFFER6 to CUT_BUFFER5, ..., and CUT_BUFFER0 to CUT_BUFFER7.

Data should be stored to the cut buffers and the ring rotated only when requested by explicit user action. Users depend on their mental model of cut buffer operation and need to be able to identify operations that transfer data to and fro.