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Preface to Version 2.0

The goal of the ICCCM Version 2.0 effort was to add new facilities, to fix problems with earlier drafts, and to improve readability and understandability, while maintaining compatibility with the earlier versions. This document is the product of over two years of discussion among the members of the X Consortium's wmtalk working group. The following people deserve thanks for their contributions:

Gabe Beged-Dov     Bill Janssen
Chan Benson     Vania Joloboff
Jordan Brown     Phil Karlton
Larry Cable     Kaleb Keithley
Ellis Cohen     Mark Manasse
Donna Converse     Ralph Mor
Brian Cripe     Todd Newman
Susan Dahlberg     Bob Scheifler
Peter Daifuku     Keith Taylor
Andrew deBlois     Jim VanGilder
Clive Feather     Mike Wexler
Stephen Gildea     Michael Yee
Christian Jacobi

It has been a privilege for me to work with this fine group of people.

Stuart W. Marks

December 1993