Numbers that are prefixed with "#x" are in hexadecimal (base 16). All other numbers are in decimal. Requests, replies, errors, events, and compound types are described using the syntax:
count contents name
count contents name
where COUNT is the number of bytes in the data stream occupied by this field, CONTENTS is the name of the type as given in Section 4 or the value if this field contains a constant, and NAME is a description of this field.
Objects containing counted lists use a lowercase single-letter variable (whose scope is limited to the request, reply, event, or error in which it is found) to represent the number of objects in the list. These variables, and any expressions in which they are used, should be treated as unsigned integers. Multiple copies of an object are indicated by CONTENTS prefix "LISTof".
Unused bytes (whose value is undefined) will have a blank CONTENTS field and a NAME field of "unused". Zeroed bytes (whose value must be zero) will have a blank CONTENTS field and a NAME field of "zero". The expression pad(e) refers to the number of bytes needed to round a value "e" up to the closed multiple of four:
pad(e) = (4 - (e mod 4)) mod 4
4 CARD32 access context with at least one of the following bits set:
but none of the following bits set:
#xe0000000 zero
1 BOOL subset
1 n length of name
n STRING8 name
p unused, p=pad(n+2)
2 n length of name
2 d length of data
n STRING8 name
p unused, p=pad(n)
d STRING8 data
q unused, q=pad(d)
4 CARD32 value, union of the following bits:
#x00000001 ByteOrderMSB
#x00000002 BitOrderMSB
#x00000000 ImageRectMin
#x00000004 ImageRectMaxWidth
#x00000008 ImageRectMax
#x00000000 ScanlinePad8
#x00000100 ScanlinePad16
#x00000200 ScanlinePad32
#x00000300 ScanlinePad64
#x00000000 ScanlineUnit8
#x00001000 ScanlineUnit16
#x00002000 ScanlineUnit32
#x00003000 ScanlineUnit64
except for the following bits which must be zero:
#xffffccf0 zero
and the following of which at most one bit may be set:
#x0000000c at most one bit can be set
4 CARD32 value, mask of the following bits:
#x00000001 ByteOrderMask
#x00000002 BitOrderMask
#x00000004 ImageRectMask
#x00000008 ScanlinePadMask
#x00000010 ScanlineUnitMask
except for the following bits which must be zero:
#xffffffe0 zero
1 BOOL boolean, one of the following values:
0 False
1 True
1 BYTE unsigned byte of data
1 CARD8 8-bit unsigned integer
2 CARD16 16-bit unsigned integer
4 CARD32 32-bit unsigned integer
1 CARD8 byte1
1 CARD8 byte2
4 CARD32 event mask
for core events, this is union of the following bits:
#00000001 CatalogueListChangeMask
#00000002 FontListChangeMask
but none of the following bits set:
extensions define their own sets of bits
4 CARD32 font identifier with at least one of
the following bits set:
but none of the following bits set:
#xe0000000 zero
1 INT8 8-bit signed integer
2 INT16 16-bit signed integer
4 INT32 32-bit signed integer
4 CARD32 position (or integer value)
4 CARD32 length
4 n number of PROPOFFSET components
4 m number of bytes of property data
20*n PROPOFFSET property offsets into data block
m LISTofBYTE property data block
8 OFFSET32 name in data block
8 OFFSET32 value in data block
1 CARD8 type, one of the following values:
0 String
1 Unsigned
2 Signed
3 zero
2 CHAR2B minimum character code
2 CHAR2B maximum character code
2 CARD16 x resolution in pixels per inch
2 CARD16 y resolution in pixels per inch
2 CARD16 point size in decipoints
1 n length of name
n STRING8 name
n LISTofBYTE array of 8-bit character values
4 CARD32 milliseconds since server time origin
2 INT16 left bearing
2 INT16 right bearing
2 INT16 width
2 INT16 ascent
2 INT16 descent
2 CARD16 attributes
4 CARD32 flags, union of the following bits:
#x00000001 AllCharactersExist
#x00000002 InkInside
#x00000004 HorizontalOverlap
but none of the following bits set:
#xfffffff8 zero
4 RANGE range of characters in font
1 CARD8 drawing direction
0 LeftToRight
1 RightToLeft
1 unused
2 CHAR2B default character
12 XCHARINFO minimum bounds
12 XCHARINFO maximum bounds
2 INT16 font ascent
2 INT16 font descent
n PROPINFO property data
4 CARD32 access context with at least one of the following bits set:
but none of the following bits set:
#xe0000000 zero
1 BOOL subset
1 n length of name
n STRING8 name
p unused, p=pad(n+2)
2 n length of name
2 d length of data
n STRING8 name
p unused, p=pad(n)
d STRING8 data
q unused, q=pad(d)
4 CARD32 value, union of the following bits:
#x00000001 ByteOrderMSB
#x00000002 BitOrderMSB
#x00000000 ImageRectMin
#x00000004 ImageRectMaxWidth
#x00000008 ImageRectMax
#x00000000 ScanlinePad8
#x00000100 ScanlinePad16
#x00000200 ScanlinePad32
#x00000300 ScanlinePad64
#x00000000 ScanlineUnit8
#x00001000 ScanlineUnit16
#x00002000 ScanlineUnit32
#x00003000 ScanlineUnit64
except for the following bits which must be zero:
#xffffccf0 zero
and the following of which at most one bit may be set:
#x0000000c at most one bit can be set
4 CARD32 value, mask of the following bits:
#x00000001 ByteOrderMask
#x00000002 BitOrderMask
#x00000004 ImageRectMask
#x00000008 ScanlinePadMask
#x00000010 ScanlineUnitMask
except for the following bits which must be zero:
#xffffffe0 zero
1 BOOL boolean, one of the following values:
0 False
1 True
1 BYTE unsigned byte of data
1 CARD8 8-bit unsigned integer
2 CARD16 16-bit unsigned integer
4 CARD32 32-bit unsigned integer
1 CARD8 byte1
1 CARD8 byte2
4 CARD32 event mask
for core events, this is union of the following bits:
#00000001 CatalogueListChangeMask
#00000002 FontListChangeMask
but none of the following bits set:
extensions define their own sets of bits
4 CARD32 font identifier with at least one of
the following bits set:
but none of the following bits set:
#xe0000000 zero
1 INT8 8-bit signed integer
2 INT16 16-bit signed integer
4 INT32 32-bit signed integer
4 CARD32 position (or integer value)
4 CARD32 length
4 n number of PROPOFFSET components
4 m number of bytes of property data
20*n PROPOFFSET property offsets into data block
m LISTofBYTE property data block
8 OFFSET32 name in data block
8 OFFSET32 value in data block
1 CARD8 type, one of the following values:
0 String
1 Unsigned
2 Signed
3 zero
2 CHAR2B minimum character code
2 CHAR2B maximum character code
2 CARD16 x resolution in pixels per inch
2 CARD16 y resolution in pixels per inch
2 CARD16 point size in decipoints
1 n length of name
n STRING8 name
n LISTofBYTE array of 8-bit character values
4 CARD32 milliseconds since server time origin
2 INT16 left bearing
2 INT16 right bearing
2 INT16 width
2 INT16 ascent
2 INT16 descent
2 CARD16 attributes
4 CARD32 flags, union of the following bits:
#x00000001 AllCharactersExist
#x00000002 InkInside
#x00000004 HorizontalOverlap
but none of the following bits set:
#xfffffff8 zero
4 RANGE range of characters in font
1 CARD8 drawing direction
0 LeftToRight
1 RightToLeft
1 unused
2 CHAR2B default character
12 XCHARINFO minimum bounds
12 XCHARINFO maximum bounds
2 INT16 font ascent
2 INT16 font descent
n PROPINFO property data
open connection
1 BYTE byteorder, one of the values:
#x42 MostSignificant Byte first
#x6c LeastSignificant Byte first
1 CARD8 numberof auth in auth-data
2 2 client-major-protocol-version
2 0 client-minor-protocol-version
2 a/4 lengthof auth-data
a LISTofAUTH auth-data
2 CARD16 status
0 Success
1 Continue
2 Busy
3 Denied
2 2 major version
2 0 version
1 CARD8 numberof alternate-servers-hint
1 CARD8 authorization-index
2 a/4 lengthof alternate-servers-hint
2 (d+q)/4 lengthof authorization-data
a LISTofALTERNATESERVER alternate-servers-hint
d LISTofBYTE authorization-data
q unused, q=pad(d)
If STATUS is Busy or Denied, the protocol stops and the connection is closed. If STATUS is Continue, the client is expected to respond with additional data, to which the server responds with a new status value and more data. This dialog continues until the status is set to Success, or until the server sets STATUS to Busy or Denied and closes the connection:
4 1+(d+q)/4 length
d LISTofBYTE more-authorization-data
q unused, q=pad(d)
4 2+(d+q)/4 length
2 CARD16 status
0 Success
1 Continue
2 Busy
3 Denied
2 unused
d LISTofBYTE more-authorization-data
q unused, q=pad(d)
When STATUS is Success, the protocol resumes with the following sent by the server:
4 3+(v+w)/4 length of rest of data
2 CARD16 maximum-request-length
2 v length of vendor string
4 CARD32 release-number
v STRING8 vendor-string
w unused, w=pad(v)
Once the connection has been established, the client may send the following requests:
1 0 major-opcode
1 unused
2 1 length
1 1 major-opcode
1 unused
2 1 length
1 0 type reply
1 CARD8 numberof names
2 CARD16 sequence-number
4 2+(n+p)/4 length
p unused, p=pad(n)
1 2 major-opcode
1 n length of name
2 1+(n+p)/4 length
n STRING8 name
p unused, p=pad(n)
1 0 type reply
1 BOOL present
2 CARD16 sequence-number
4 5 length
2 CARD16 major-version
2 CARD16 minor-version
1 CARD8 major-opcode
1 CARD8 first-event
1 CARD8 number-events
1 CARD8 first-error
1 CARD8 number-errors
3 unused
1 3 major-opcode
1 unused
2 3+(n+p)/4 length
4 CARD32 max-names
2 n length of pattern
2 unused
n STRING8 pattern
p unused, p=pad(n)
1 0 type reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence-number
4 4+(n+p)/4 length
4 CARD32 replies-following-hint
4 CARD32 numberof catalogue-names
n LISTofSTRNAME catalogue-names
p unused, p=pad(n)
1 4 major-opcode
1 CARD8 numberof catalogue-names
2 1+(n+p)/4 length
n LISTofSTRNAME catalogue-names
p unused, p=pad(n)
1 5 major-opcode
1 unused
2 1 length
1 0 type reply
1 CARD8 numberof catalogue-names
2 CARD16 sequence-number
4 2+(n+p)/4 length
n LISTofSTRNAME catalogue-names
p unused, p=pad(n)
1 6 major-opcode
1 CARD8 extension-opcode
2 2 length
4 EVENTMASK event-mask
1 7 major-opcode
1 CARD8 extension-opcode
2 1 length
1 0 type reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence-number
4 3 length
4 EVENTMASK event-mask
1 8 major-opcode
1 CARD8 numberof authorization-protocols
2 2+a/4 length
a LISTofAUTH authorization-protocols
1 0 type reply
1 CARD8 authorization-index
2 CARD16 sequence-number
4 3+(d+q)/4 length
2 CARD16 status
0 Success
1 Continue
2 Busy
3 Denied
2 unused
d LISTofBYTE authorization-data
q unused, q=pad(d)
If STATUS is Continue, the client is expected to respond with additional data, to which the server responds with a new status value and more data. This dialog continues until the status is set to Success, Busy, or Denied at which point the request is finished.
4 1+(d+q)/4 length
d LISTofBYTE more-authorization-data
q unused, q=pad(d)
4 2+(d+q)/4 length
2 CARD16 status
0 Success
1 Continue
2 Busy
3 Denied
2 unused
d LISTofBYTE authorization-data
q unused, q=pad(d)
1 9 major-opcode
1 unused
2 2 length
1 10 major-opcode
1 unused
2 2 length
1 11 major-opcode
1 n number of resolutions
2 1+(6*n+p)/4 length
6*n LISTofRESOLUTION resolutions
p p=pad(6*n)
1 12 major-opcode
1 unused
2 1 length
1 0 type reply
1 n number of resolutions
2 CARD16 sequence-number
4 2+(6*n+p)/4 length
6*n LISTofRESOLUTION resolutions
p p=pad(6*n)
1 13 major-opcode
1 unused
2 3+(n+p)/4 length
4 CARD32 max-names
2 n length of pattern
2 unused
n STRING8 pattern
p unused, p=pad(n)
1 0 type reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence-number
4 4+(n+p)/4 length
4 CARD32 replies-following-hint
4 CARD32 numberof font-names
n LISTofSTRNAME font-names
p unused, p=pad(n)
1 14 major-opcode
1 unused
2 3+(n+p)/4 length
4 CARD32 max-names
2 n length of pattern
2 unused
n STRING8 pattern
p unused, p=pad(n)
=>+(except for last in series)
1 0 type reply
1 n length of name
2 CARD16 sequence-number
4 3+(n+p+f)/4 length
4 CARD32 replies-hint
f XFONTINFO fontinfo
n STRING8 name
p unused, p=pad(n)
=>(last in series)
1 0 type reply
1 0 last-reply indicator
2 CARD16 sequence-number
4 2 reply length
1 15 major-opcode
1 unused
2 4+(n+p)/4 length
4 FONTID fontid
n STRNAME pattern
p unused, p=pad(n)
1 0 type reply
1 BOOL otherid-valid
2 CARD16 sequence-number
4 4 length
4 FONTID otherid
1 BOOL cachable
3 unused
1 16 major-opcode
1 unused
2 2 length
4 FONTID fontid
1 0 type reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence-number
4 2+f/4 length
f XFONTINFO fontinfo
p unused, p=pad(f)
1 17 major-opcode
1 BOOL range
2 3+(n+p)/4 length
4 FONTID fontid
4 n number chars entries
n STRING8 chars
p unused, p=pad(n)
1 0 type reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence-number
4 3+3*n length
4 n number of extents
12*n LISTofXCHARINFO extents
1 18 major-opcode
1 BOOL range
2 3+(2*n+p)/4 length
4 FONTID fontid
4 n number chars entries
2*n LISTofCHAR2B chars
p unused, p=pad(2*n)
1 0 type reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence-number
4 3+3*n length
4 n number of extents
12*n LISTofXCHARINFO extents
1 19 major-opcode
1 BOOL range
2 4+(n+p)/4 length
4 FONTID fontid
4 n number of chars entries
n STRING8 chars
p unused, p=pad(n)
1 0 type reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence-number
4 5+2*n+(m+p)/4 length
4 CARD32 replies-following-hint
4 n number of offsets
4 m number of bytes of glyph images
8*n LISTofOFFSET32 offsets
m LISTofBYTE glyphimages
p unused, p=pad(m)
1 20 major-opcode
1 BOOL range
2 4+(2*n+p)/4 length
4 FONTID fontid
4 n number of chars entries
2*n LISTofCHAR2B chars
p unused, p=pad(2*n)
1 0 type reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence-number
4 5+2*n+(m+p)/4 length
4 CARD32 replies-following-hint
4 n number of offsets
4 m number of bytes of glyph images
8*n LISTofOFFSET32 offsets
m LISTofBYTE glyphimages
p unused, p=pad(m)
1 21 major-opcode
1 unused
2 2 length
4 FONTID fontid
4 1+(d+q)/4 length
d LISTofBYTE more-authorization-data
q unused, q=pad(d)
4 2+(d+q)/4 length
2 CARD16 status
0 Success
1 Continue
2 Busy
3 Denied
2 unused
d LISTofBYTE authorization-data
q unused, q=pad(d)
1 9 major-opcode
1 unused
2 2 length
1 10 major-opcode
1 unused
2 2 length
1 11 major-opcode
1 n number of resolutions
2 1+(6*n+p)/4 length
6*n LISTofRESOLUTION resolutions
p p=pad(6*n)
1 12 major-opcode
1 unused
2 1 length
1 0 type reply
1 n number of resolutions
2 CARD16 sequence-number
4 2+(6*n+p)/4 length
6*n LISTofRESOLUTION resolutions
p p=pad(6*n)
1 13 major-opcode
1 unused
2 3+(n+p)/4 length
4 CARD32 max-names
2 n length of pattern
2 unused
n STRING8 pattern
p unused, p=pad(n)
1 0 type reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence-number
4 4+(n+p)/4 length
4 CARD32 replies-following-hint
4 CARD32 numberof font-names
n LISTofSTRNAME font-names
p unused, p=pad(n)
1 14 major-opcode
1 unused
2 3+(n+p)/4 length
4 CARD32 max-names
2 n length of pattern
2 unused
n STRING8 pattern
p unused, p=pad(n)
=>+(except for last in series)
1 0 type reply
1 n length of name
2 CARD16 sequence-number
4 3+(n+p+f)/4 length
4 CARD32 replies-hint
f XFONTINFO fontinfo
n STRING8 name
p unused, p=pad(n)
=>(last in series)
1 0 type reply
1 0 last-reply indicator
2 CARD16 sequence-number
4 2 reply length
1 15 major-opcode
1 unused
2 4+(n+p)/4 length
4 FONTID fontid
n STRNAME pattern
p unused, p=pad(n)
1 0 type reply
1 BOOL otherid-valid
2 CARD16 sequence-number
4 4 length
4 FONTID otherid
1 BOOL cachable
3 unused
1 16 major-opcode
1 unused
2 2 length
4 FONTID fontid
1 0 type reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence-number
4 2+f/4 length
f XFONTINFO fontinfo
p unused, p=pad(f)
1 17 major-opcode
1 BOOL range
2 3+(n+p)/4 length
4 FONTID fontid
4 n number chars entries
n STRING8 chars
p unused, p=pad(n)
1 0 type reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence-number
4 3+3*n length
4 n number of extents
12*n LISTofXCHARINFO extents
1 18 major-opcode
1 BOOL range
2 3+(2*n+p)/4 length
4 FONTID fontid
4 n number chars entries
2*n LISTofCHAR2B chars
p unused, p=pad(2*n)
1 0 type reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence-number
4 3+3*n length
4 n number of extents
12*n LISTofXCHARINFO extents
1 19 major-opcode
1 BOOL range
2 4+(n+p)/4 length
4 FONTID fontid
4 n number of chars entries
n STRING8 chars
p unused, p=pad(n)
1 0 type reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence-number
4 5+2*n+(m+p)/4 length
4 CARD32 replies-following-hint
4 n number of offsets
4 m number of bytes of glyph images
8*n LISTofOFFSET32 offsets
m LISTofBYTE glyphimages
p unused, p=pad(m)
1 20 major-opcode
1 BOOL range
2 4+(2*n+p)/4 length
4 FONTID fontid
4 n number of chars entries
2*n LISTofCHAR2B chars
p unused, p=pad(2*n)
1 0 type reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence-number
4 5+2*n+(m+p)/4 length
4 CARD32 replies-following-hint
4 n number of offsets
4 m number of bytes of glyph images
8*n LISTofOFFSET32 offsets
m LISTofBYTE glyphimages
p unused, p=pad(m)
1 21 major-opcode
1 unused
2 2 length
4 FONTID fontid
1 1 type error
1 0 Request
2 CARD16 sequence-number
4 4 length
4 TIMESTAMP timestamp
1 CARD8 major-opcode
1 CARD8 minor-opcode
2 unused
1 1 type error
1 1 Format
2 CARD16 sequence-number
4 5 length
4 TIMESTAMP timestamp
1 CARD8 major-opcode
1 CARD8 minor-opcode
2 unused
4 BITMAPFORMAT bad-format
1 1 type error
1 2 Font
2 CARD16 sequence-number
4 5 length
4 TIMESTAMP timestamp
1 CARD8 major-opcode
1 CARD8 minor-opcode
2 unused
4 FONTID bad-fontid
1 1 type error
1 3 Range
2 CARD16 sequence-number
4 5 length
4 TIMESTAMP timestamp
1 CARD8 major-opcode
1 CARD8 minor-opcode
2 unused
4 RANGE bad-range
1 1 type error
1 4 EventMask
2 CARD16 sequence-number
4 5 length
4 TIMESTAMP timestamp
1 CARD8 major-opcode
1 CARD8 minor-opcode
2 unused
4 EVENTMASK event-mask
1 1 type error
1 5 AccessContext
2 CARD16 sequence-number
4 5 length
4 TIMESTAMP timestamp
1 CARD8 major-opcode
1 CARD8 minor-opcode
2 unused
4 ACCESSCONTEXT access context
1 1 type error
1 6 IDChoice
2 CARD16 sequence-number
4 5 length
4 TIMESTAMP timestamp
1 CARD8 major-opcode
1 CARD8 minor-opcode
2 unused
4 FONTID bad-fontid
1 1 type error
1 7 Name
2 CARD16 sequence-number
4 4 length
4 TIMESTAMP timestamp
1 CARD8 major-opcode
1 CARD8 minor-opcode
2 unused
1 1 type error
1 8 Resolution
2 CARD16 sequence-number
4 5 length
4 TIMESTAMP timestamp
1 CARD8 major-opcode
1 CARD8 minor-opcode
6 RESOLUTION resolution
1 1 type error
1 9 Alloc
2 CARD16 sequence-number
4 4 length
4 TIMESTAMP timestamp
1 CARD8 major-opcode
1 CARD8 minor-opcode
2 unused
1 1 type error
1 10 Length
2 CARD16 sequence-number
4 5 length
4 TIMESTAMP timestamp
1 CARD8 major-opcode
1 CARD8 minor-opcode
2 unused
4 CARD32 bad-length
1 1 type error
1 11 Implementation
2 CARD16 sequence-number
4 4 length
4 TIMESTAMP timestamp
1 CARD8 major-opcode
1 CARD8 minor-opcode
2 unused
1 2 type event
1 0 event KeepAlive
2 CARD16 sequence-number
4 3 length
4 TIMESTAMP timestamp
1 2 type event
1 1 event CatalogueListNotify
2 CARD16 sequence-number
4 4 length
4 TIMESTAMP timestamp
1 BOOL added
1 BOOL deleted
2 unused
1 2 type event
1 2 event FontListNotify
2 CARD16 sequence-number
4 4 length
4 TIMESTAMP timestamp
1 BOOL added
1 BOOL deleted
2 unused