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Chapter 2. Syntactic Conventions

The rest of this document uses the following syntactic conventions.

  • The syntax {...} encloses a set of alternatives.

  • The syntax [...] encloses a set of structure components.

  • In general, TYPEs are in uppercase and AlternativeValues are capitalized.

  • Requests in section 9 are described in the following format:

         arg1: type1
         argN: typeN
         result1: type1
         resultM: typeM
         Errors: kind1, ..., kindK

    If no ▶ is present in the description, then the request has no reply (it is asynchronous), although errors may still be reported. If ▶+ is used, then one or more replies can be generated for a single request.

  • Events in section 11 are described in the following format:

         value1: type1
         valueN: typeN