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Appendix D. Intrinsics Error Messages

All Intrinsics errors and warnings have class “XtToolkitError”. The following two tables summarize the common errors and warnings that can be generated by the Intrinsics. Additional implementation-dependent messages are permitted. Error Messages

NameTypeDefault Message
allocErrorcallocCannot perform calloc
allocErrormallocCannot perform malloc
allocErrorreallocCannot perform realloc
internalErrorxtMakeGeometryRequestinternal error; ShellClassExtension is NULL
invalidArgCountxtGetValuesArgument count > 0 on NULL argument list in XtGetValues
invalidArgCountxtSetValuesArgument count > 0 on NULL argument list in XtSetValues
invalidClassapplicationShellInsertChildApplicationShell does not accept RectObj children; ignored
invalidClassconstraintSetValueSubclass of Constraint required in CallConstraintSetValues
invalidClassxtAppCreateShellXtAppCreateShell requires non-NULL widget class
invalidClassxtCreatePopupShellXtCreatePopupShell requires non-NULL widget class
invalidClassxtCreateWidgetXtCreateWidget requires non-NULL widget class
invalidClassxtPopdownXtPopdown requires a subclass of shellWidgetClass
invalidClassxtPopupXtPopup requires a subclass of shellWidgetClass
invalidDimensionxtCreateWindowWidget %s has zero width and/or height
invalidDimensionshellRealizeShell widget %s has zero width and/or height
invalidDisplayxtInitializeCan't open display: %s
invalidGetValuesxtGetValuesNULL ArgVal in XtGetValues
invalidExtensionshellClassPartInitializewidget class %s has invalid ShellClassExtension record
invalidExtensionxtMakeGeometryRequestwidget class %s has invalid ShellClassExtension record
invalidGeometryManagerxtMakeGeometryRequestXtMakeGeometryRequest - parent has no geometry manager
invalidParameterxtAddInputinvalid condition passed to XtAddInput
invalidParameterxtAddInputinvalid condition passed to XtAppAddInput
invalidParentxtChangeManagedSetAttempt to manage a child when parent is not Composite
invalidParentxtChangeManagedSetAttempt to unmanage a child when parent is not Composite
invalidParentxtCreatePopupShellXtCreatePopupShell requires non-NULL parent
invalidParentxtCreateWidgetXtCreateWidget requires non-NULL parent
invalidParentxtMakeGeometryRequestnon-shell has no parent in XtMakeGeometryRequest
invalidParentxtMakeGeometryRequestXtMakeGeometryRequest - parent not composite
invalidParentxtManageChildrenAttempt to manage a child when parent is not Composite
invalidParentxtUnmanageChildrenAttempt to unmanage a child when parent is not Composite
invalidProcedureinheritanceProcUnresolved inheritance operation
invalidProcedurerealizeProcNo realize class procedure defined
invalidWindoweventHandlerEvent with wrong window
missingWidgetfetchDisplayArgFetchDisplayArg called without a widget to reference
nonWidgetxtCreateWidgetattempt to add non-widget child "%s" to parent "%s" which supports only widgets
noPerDisplaycloseDisplayCouldn't find per display information
noPerDisplaygetPerDisplayCouldn't find per display information
noSelectionPropertiesfreeSelectionPropertyinternal error: no selection property context for display
noWidgetAncestorwindowedAncestorObject "%s" does not have windowed ancestor
nullDisplayxtRegisterExtensionSelectorXtRegisterExtensionSelector requires a non-NULL display
nullProcinsertChild"%s" parent has NULL insert_child method
r2versionMismatchwidgetWidget class %s must be re-compiled.
R3versionMismatchwidgetWidget class %s must be re-compiled.
R4orR5versionMismatchwidgetWidget class %s must be re-compiled.
rangeErrorxtRegisterExtensionSelectorAttempt to register multiple selectors for one extension event type
sessionManagementSmcOpenConnectionTried to connect to session manager, %s
subclassMismatchxtCheckSubclassWidget class %s found when subclass of %s expected: %s

Warning Messages

NameTypeDefault Message
ambiguousParentxtChangeManagedSetNot all children have same parent
ambiguousParentxtManageChildrenNot all children have same parent in XtManageChildren
ambiguousParentxtUnmanageChildrenNot all children have same parent in XtUnmanageChildren
badFormatxtGetSelectionValueSelection owner returned type INCR property with format != 32
badGeometryshellRealizeShell widget "%s" has an invalid geometry specification: "%s"
badValuecvtStringToPixelColor name "%s" is not defined
communicationErrorselectSelect failed; error code %s
conversionErrorstringCannot convert string "%s" to type %s
conversionErrorstringToVisualCannot find Visual of class %s for display %s
conversionFailedxtConvertVarToArgListType conversion failed
conversionFailedxtGetTypedArgType conversion (%s to %s) failed for widget '%s'
displayErrorinvalidDisplayCan't find display structure
grabErrorxtAddGrabXtAddGrab requires exclusive grab if spring_loaded is TRUE
grabErrorxtRemoveGrabXtRemoveGrab asked to remove a widget not on the list
initializationErrorxtInitializeInitializing Resource Lists twice
insufficientSpacextGetTypedArgInsufficient space for converted type '%s' in widget '%s'
internalErrorshellShell's window manager interaction is broken
invalidAddressModecomputeArgsConversion arguments for widget '%s' contain an unsupported address mode
invalidArgCountgetResourcesargument count > 0 on NULL argument list
invalidCallbackListxtAddCallbackCannot find callback list in XtAddCallback
invalidCallbackListxtAddCallbackCannot find callback list in XtAddCallbacks
invalidCallbackListxtCallCallbackCannot find callback list in XtCallCallbacks
invalidCallbackListxtRemoveAllCallbackCannot find callback list in XtRemoveAllCallbacks
invalidCallbackListxtRemoveCallbackCannot find callback list in XtRemoveCallbacks
invalidChildxtChangeManagedSetNull child passed to UnmanageChildren
invalidChildxtManageChildrennull child passed to ManageChildren
invalidChildxtManageChildrennull child passed to XtManageChildren
invalidChildxtUnmanageChildrenNull child passed to XtUnmanageChildren
invalidChildxtUnmanageChildrenNull child found in argument list to unmanage
invalidDepthsetValuesCan't change widget depth
invalidExtensionxtCreateWidgetwidget "%s" class %s has invalid CompositeClassExtension record
invalidExtensionxtCreateWidgetwidget class %s has invalid ConstraintClassExtension record
invalidGrabungrabKeyOrButtonAttempt to remove nonexistent passive grab
invalidGrabKindxtPopupgrab kind argument has invalid value; XtGrabNone assumed
invalidParametersfreeTranslationsFreeing XtTranslations requires no extra arguments
invalidParametersmergeTranslationsMergeTM to TranslationTable needs no extra arguments
invalidParametersxtMenuPopdownXtMenuPopdown called with num_params != 0 or 1
invalidParametersxtMenuPopupActionMenuPopup wants exactly one argument
invalidParentxtCopyFromParentCopyFromParent must have non-NULL parent
invalidPopupxtMenuPopupCan't find popup widget "%s" in XtMenuPopup
invalidPopupxtMenuPopdownCan't find popup in widget "%s" in XtMenuPopdown
invalidPopupunsupportedOperationPop-up menu creation is only supported on ButtonPress, KeyPress or EnterNotify events.
invalidPopupunsupportedOperationPop-up menu creation is only supported on Button, Key or EnterNotify events.
invalidProceduredeleteChildnull delete_child procedure for class %s in XtDestroy
invalidProcedureinputHandlerXtRemoveInput: Input handler not found
invalidProcedureset_values_almostset_values_almost procedure shouldn't be NULL
invalidResourceCountgetResourcesresource count > 0 on NULL resource list
invalidResourceNamecomputeArgsCannot find resource name %s as argument to conversion
invalidShellxtTranslateCoordsWidget has no shell ancestor
invalidSizeOverridextDependenciesRepresentation size %d must match superclass's to override %s
missingCharsetListcvtStringToFontSetMissing charsets in String to FontSet conversion
noActionProcxtCallActionProcNo action proc named "%s" is registered for widget "%s"
noColormapcvtStringToPixelCannot allocate colormap entry for "%s"
noFontcvtStringToFontUnable to load any usable ISO8859-1 font
noFontcvtStringToFontSetUnable to load any usable fontset
noFontcvtStringToFontStructUnable to load any usable ISO8859-1 font
notInConvertSelectionxtGetSelectionRequestXtGetSelectionRequest or XtGetSelectionParameters called for widget "%s" outside of ConvertSelection proc
notRectObjxtChangeManagedSetchild "%s", class %s is not a RectObj
notRectObjxtManageChildrenchild "%s", class %s is not a RectObj
nullWidgetxtConvertVarToArgListXtVaTypedArg conversion needs non-NULL widget handle
r3versionMismatchwidgetShell Widget class %s binary compiled for R3
translationErrornullTableCan't remove accelerators from NULL table
translationErrornullTableTried to remove nonexistent accelerators
translationErrorambiguousActionsOverriding earlier translation manager actions.
translationErrornewActionsNew actions are:%s
translationErrornullTabletable to (un)merge must not be null
translationErrornullTableCan't translate event through NULL table
translationErroroldActionsPrevious entry was: %s %s
translationErrorunboundActionsActions not found: %s
translationErrorxtTranslateInitializeInitializing Translation manager twice.
translationParseErrormissingComma ... possibly due to missing ',' in event sequence.
translationParseErrornonLatin1 ... probably due to non-Latin1 character in quoted string
translationParseErrorparseErrortranslation table syntax error: %s
translationParseErrorparseStringMissing '"'.
translationParseErrorshowLine ... found while parsing '%s'
typeConversionErrornoConverterNo type converter registered for '%s' to '%s' conversion.
unknownTypextConvertVarToArgListUnable to find type of resource for conversion
unknownTypextGetTypedArgUnable to find type of resource for conversion
versionMismatchwidgetWidget class %s version mismatch (recompilation needed):\\n widget %d vs. intrinsics %d.
wrongParameterscvtIntOrPixelToXColorPixel to color conversion needs screen and colormap arguments
wrongParameterscvtIntToBoolInteger to Bool conversion needs no extra arguments
wrongParameterscvtIntToBooleanInteger to Boolean conversion needs no extra arguments
wrongParameterscvtIntToFloatInteger to Float conversion needs no extra arguments
wrongParameterscvtIntToFontInteger to Font conversion needs no extra arguments
wrongParameterscvtIntToPixelInteger to Pixel conversion needs no extra arguments
wrongParameterscvtIntToPixmapInteger to Pixmap conversion needs no extra arguments
wrongParameterscvtIntToShortInteger to Short conversion needs no extra arguments
wrongParameterscvtIntToUnsignedCharInteger to UnsignedChar conversion needs no extra arguments
wrongParameterscvtStringToAcceleratorTableString to AcceleratorTable conversion needs no extra arguments
wrongParameterscvtStringToAtomString to Atom conversion needs Display argument
wrongParameterscvtStringToBoolString to Bool conversion needs no extra arguments
wrongParameterscvtStringToBooleanString to Boolean conversion needs no extra arguments
wrongParameterscvtStringToCommandArgArrayString to CommandArgArray conversion needs no extra arguments
wrongParameterscvtStringToCursorString to cursor conversion needs display argument
wrongParameterscvtStringToDimensionString to Dimension conversion needs no extra arguments
wrongParameterscvtStringToDirectoryStringString to DirectoryString conversion needs no extra arguments
wrongParameterscvtStringToDisplayString to Display conversion needs no extra arguments
wrongParameterscvtStringToFileString to File conversion needs no extra arguments
wrongParameterscvtStringToFloatString to Float conversion needs no extra arguments
wrongParameterscvtStringToFontString to font conversion needs display argument
wrongParameterscvtStringToFontSetString to FontSet conversion needs display and locale arguments
wrongParameterscvtStringToFontStructString to font conversion needs display argument
wrongParameterscvtStringToGravityString to Gravity conversion needs no extra arguments
wrongParameterscvtStringToInitialStateString to InitialState conversion needs no extra arguments
wrongParameterscvtStringToIntString to Integer conversion needs no extra arguments
wrongParameterscvtStringToPixelString to pixel conversion needs screen and colormap arguments
wrongParameterscvtStringToRestartStyleString to RestartStyle conversion needs no extra arguments
wrongParameterscvtStringToShortString to Integer conversion needs no extra arguments
wrongParameterscvtStringToTranslationTableString to TranslationTable conversion needs no extra arguments
wrongParameterscvtStringToUnsignedCharString to Integer conversion needs no extra arguments
wrongParameterscvtStringToVisualString to Visual conversion needs screen and depth arguments
wrongParameterscvtXColorToPixelColor to Pixel conversion needs no extra arguments
wrongParametersfreeCursorFree Cursor requires display argument
wrongParametersfreeDirectoryStringFree Directory String requires no extra arguments
wrongParametersfreeFileFree File requires no extra arguments
wrongParametersfreeFontFree Font needs display argument
wrongParametersfreeFontSetFreeFontSet needs display and locale arguments
wrongParametersfreeFontStructFree FontStruct requires display argument
wrongParametersfreePixelFreeing a pixel requires screen and colormap arguments