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The protocol described below uses the bi-directional synchronous/asynchronous request/reply/error model and is specified using the same conventions outlined in Section 2 of the core X Window System protocol [1]:

Basic Requests Packet Format

This section describes the requests that may be exchanged between the client and the IM Server.

The basic request packet header format is as follows.

          major-opcode:               CARD8
          minor-opcode:               CARD8
          length:                     CARD16

The MAJOR-OPCODE specifies which core request or extension package this packet represents. If the MAJOR-OPCODE corresponds to a core request, the MINOR-OPCODE contains 8 bits of request-specific data. (If the MINOR-OPCODE is not used, it is 0.) Otherwise, the MAJOR-OPCODE and the MINOR-OPCODE are specified by XIM_QUERY_EXTENSION message. (Refer to 4.7. Query the supported extension protocol list.) The LENGTH field specifies the number of 4 bytes elements following the header. If no additional data is followed by the header, the LENGTH field will be 0.

Data Types

The following data types are used in the core X IM Server protocol:

     Where N is some expression, and Pad(N) is the number of bytes needed to round N up to a

          Pad(N) = (4 - (N mod 4)) mod 4

  1          A character from the4 X Portable Character Set in Latin Portable
             Character Encoding

     2     n              length of string in bytes
     n     LISTofLPCE     string
     p                    unused, p=Pad(2+n)

     1     n              length of name in bytes
     n     STRING8        name

     2     CARD16         attribute ID (*1)
     2     CARD16         type of the value (*2)
     2     n              length of im-attribute
     n     STRING8        im-attribute
     p                    unused, p = Pad(2+n)

The im-attribute argument specifies XIM values such as XNQueryInputStyle.

     2     CARD16         attribute ID (*1)
     2     CARD16         type of the value (*2)
     2     n              length of ic-attribute
     n     STRING8        ic-attribute
     p                    unused, p = Pad(2+n)

(*1) XIMATTR and XICATTR are used during the setup stage and XIMATTRIBUTE and
     XICATTRIBUTE are used after each attribute ID has been recognized by
     the IM Server and the IM library.

(*2) The value types are defined as follows:
#0Separator of NestedList-----(*3)  
#1byte dataCARD8  
#2word dataCARD16  
#3long dataCARD32  
#4char dataSTRING8  
#10XIMStyles2nnumber of XIMStyle list
  2 unused
  nCARD32XIMStyle list
#13XFontSet2nlength of Base font name
  nSTRING8Base font name list
  p unused, p = Pad(2+n)
#15XIMHotKeyTriggers4nnumber of XIMTRIGGERKEY list (*4)
  nXIMTRIGGERKEYXIMHotkeyTrigger list
  nXIMHOTKEYSTATEHotKey processing state
(*3)  The IC value for the separator of NestedList is defined as follows,
            #define   XNSeparatorofNestedList   "separatorofNestedList"
      , which is registered in X Consortium and cannot be used for any other purpose.

(*4) LISTofFOO
            A Type name of the form LISTof FOO means a counted list of elements of type FOO.
            The size of the length field may vary (it is not necessarily the same
            size as a FOO), and in some cases, it may be implicit.
     4     CARD32       keysym
     4     CARD32       modifier
     4     CARD32       modifier mask

     2     n            length of encoding info
     n     STRING8      encoding info
     p                  unused, p=Pad(2+n)

     1     CARD8        extension major-opcode
     1     CARD8        extension minor-opcode
     2     n            length of extension name
     n     STRING8      extension name
     p                  unused, p = Pad(n)

     2     CARD16       attribute ID
     2     n            value length
     n                  value
     p                  unused, p = Pad(n)

     2     CARD16       attribute ID
     2     n            value length
     n                  value
     p                  unused, p = Pad(n)

     2    CARD16                      XIMStringConversionFeedback
          #x0000001                   XIMStringConversionLeftEdge
          #x0000002                   XIMStringConversionRightEdge
          #x0000004                   XIMStringConversionTopEdge
          #x0000008                   XIMStringConversionBottomEdge
          #x0000010                   XIMStringConversionConvealed
          #x0000020                   XIMStringConversionWrapped
     2     n                          byte length of the retrieved string
     n     STRING8                    retrieved string
     p                                unused, p = Pad(n)
     2     m                          byte length of feedback array
     2                                unused
     m     LISTofXIMSTRCONVFEEDBACK   feedback array(*1)

(*1)   This field is reserved for future use.

     4    CARD32       XIMFeedback
          #x000001     XIMReverse
          #x000002     XIMUnderline
          #x000004     XIMHighlight
          #x000008     XIMPrimary
          #x000010     XIMSecondary
          #x000020     XIMTertiary
          #x000040     XIMVisibleToForward
          #x000080     XIMVisibleToBackward
          #x000100     XIMVisibleCenter

     4    CARD32       XIMHotKeyState
          #x0000001    XIMHotKeyStateON
          #x0000002    XIMHotKeyStateOFF

     4    CARD32       XIMPreeditState
          #x0000001    XIMPreeditEnable
          #x0000002    XIMPreeditDisable

     4    CARD32       XIMResetState
          #x0000001    XIMInitialState
          #x0000002    XIMPreserveState
(*3)  The IC value for the separator of NestedList is defined as follows,
            #define   XNSeparatorofNestedList   "separatorofNestedList"
      , which is registered in X Consortium and cannot be used for any other purpose.

(*4) LISTofFOO
            A Type name of the form LISTof FOO means a counted list of elements of type FOO.
            The size of the length field may vary (it is not necessarily the same
            size as a FOO), and in some cases, it may be implicit.
     4     CARD32       keysym
     4     CARD32       modifier
     4     CARD32       modifier mask

     2     n            length of encoding info
     n     STRING8      encoding info
     p                  unused, p=Pad(2+n)

     1     CARD8        extension major-opcode
     1     CARD8        extension minor-opcode
     2     n            length of extension name
     n     STRING8      extension name
     p                  unused, p = Pad(n)

     2     CARD16       attribute ID
     2     n            value length
     n                  value
     p                  unused, p = Pad(n)

     2     CARD16       attribute ID
     2     n            value length
     n                  value
     p                  unused, p = Pad(n)

     2    CARD16                      XIMStringConversionFeedback
          #x0000001                   XIMStringConversionLeftEdge
          #x0000002                   XIMStringConversionRightEdge
          #x0000004                   XIMStringConversionTopEdge
          #x0000008                   XIMStringConversionBottomEdge
          #x0000010                   XIMStringConversionConvealed
          #x0000020                   XIMStringConversionWrapped
     2     n                          byte length of the retrieved string
     n     STRING8                    retrieved string
     p                                unused, p = Pad(n)
     2     m                          byte length of feedback array
     2                                unused
     m     LISTofXIMSTRCONVFEEDBACK   feedback array(*1)

(*1)   This field is reserved for future use.

     4    CARD32       XIMFeedback
          #x000001     XIMReverse
          #x000002     XIMUnderline
          #x000004     XIMHighlight
          #x000008     XIMPrimary
          #x000010     XIMSecondary
          #x000020     XIMTertiary
          #x000040     XIMVisibleToForward
          #x000080     XIMVisibleToBackward
          #x000100     XIMVisibleCenter

     4    CARD32       XIMHotKeyState
          #x0000001    XIMHotKeyStateON
          #x0000002    XIMHotKeyStateOFF

     4    CARD32       XIMPreeditState
          #x0000001    XIMPreeditEnable
          #x0000002    XIMPreeditDisable

     4    CARD32       XIMResetState
          #x0000001    XIMInitialState
          #x0000002    XIMPreserveState

Error Notification

Both the IM Server and the IM library return XIM_ERROR messages instead of the corresponding reply messages if any errors occur during data processing.

At most one error is generated per request. If more than one error condition is encountered in processing a request, the choice of which error is returned is implementation-dependent.

XIM_ERROR (IM Server <--> IM library)

          2     CARD16          input-method-ID
          2     CARD16          input-context-ID
          2     BITMASK16       flag (*1)
                #0000           Both Input-Method-ID and Input-Context-ID are invalid
                #0001           Input-Method-ID is valid
                #0002           Input-Context-ID is valid
          2     CARD16          Error Code
                #1              BadAlloc
                #2              BadStyle
                #3              BadClientWindow
                #4              BadFocusWindow
                #5              BadArea
                #6              BadSpotLocation
                #7              BadColormap
                #8              BadAtom
                #9              BadPixel
                #10             BadPixmap
                #11             BadName
                #12             BadCursor
                #13             BadProtocol
                #14             BadForeground
                #15             BadBackground
                #16             LocaleNotSupported
                #999            BadSomething (*2)
          2     n               byte length of error detail.
          2     CARD16          type of error detail (*3)
          n     STRING8         error detail (*4)
          p                     unused, p = Pad(n)

(*1)  Before an IM is created, both Input-Method-ID and
      Input-Context-ID are invalid.
      Before an IC is created, only Input-Method-ID is valid.
      After that, both of Input-Method-ID and Input-Context-ID are valid.

(*2) Unspecific error, for example "language engine died"

(*3) This field is reserved for future use.

(*4) Vendor defined detail error message

Connection Establishment

XIM_CONNECT message requests to establish a connection over a mutually-understood virtual stream.

XIM_CONNECT (IM library -> IM Server)
     1                      byte order
           #x42             MSB first
           #x6c             LSB first
     1                      unused
     2     CARD16           client-major-protocol-version (*1)
     2     CARD16           client-minor-protocol-version (*1)
     2     CARD16           number of client-auth-protocol-names
     n     LISTofSTRING     client-auth-protocol-names

(*1) Specify the version of IM Protocol that the client supports.

A client must send XIM_CONNECT message as the first message on the connection. The list specifies the names of authentication protocols the sending IM Server is willing to perform. (If the client need not authenticate, the list may be omited.)

XIM_AUTH_REQUIRED message is used to send the authentication protocol name and protocol-specific data.

XIM_AUTH_REQUIRED (IM library <--> IM Server)

     1     CARD8              auth-protocol-index
     3                        unused
     2     n                  length of authentication data
     2                        unused
     n     <varies>     data
     p                        unused, p = Pad(n)

The auth-protocol is specified by an index into the list of names given in the XIM_CONNECT or XIM_AUTH_SETUP message. Any protocol-specific data that might be required is also sent.

The IM library sends XIM_AUTH_REPLY message as the reply to XIM_AUTH_REQUIRED message, if the IM Server is authenticated.

XIM_AUTH_REPLY (IM library -> IM Server)
     2     n                 length of authentication data
     2                       unused
     2     n                 length of authentication data
     2                       unused
     n     <varies>      data
     p                       unused, p = Pad(n)

The auth data is specific to the authentication protocol in use.

XIM_AUTH_NEXT message requests to send more auth data.

XIM_AUTH_NEXT (IM library <--> IM Server)
     2     n                 length of authentication data
     2                       unused
     n     <varies>      data
     p                       unused, p = Pad(n)

The auth data is specific to the authentication protocol in use.

The IM Server sends XIM_AUTH_SETUP message to authenticate the client.

XIM_AUTH_SETUP (IM Server -> IM library)
     2     CARD16           number of client-auth-protocol-names
     2                      unused
     n     LISTofSTRING     server-auth-protocol-names

The list specifies the names of authentication protocols the client is willing to perform.

XIM_AUTH_NG message requests to give up the connection.

XIM_AUTH_NG (IM library <--> IM Server)

The IM Server sends XIM_CONNECT_REPLY message as the reply to XIM_CONNECT or XIM_AUTH_REQUIRED message.

XIM_CONNECT_REPLY (IM Server -> IM library)
     2     CARD16     server-major-protocol-version (*1)
     2     CARD16     server-minor-protocol-version (*1)

(*1) Specify the version of IM Protocol that the IM Server supports.
This document specifies major version one, minor version zero.

Here are the state diagrams for the client and the IM Server.

State transitions for the client


Use authorization function -> client_ask

Not use authorization function -> client_no_check



If client_ask -> client_wait1

If client_no_check, client-auth-protocol-names may be omited -> client_wait2


Receive XIM_AUTH_REQUIRED -> client_check

Receive <other> -> client_NG


If no more auth needed, send XIM_AUTH_REPLY -> client_wait2

If good auth data, send XIM_AUTH_NEXT -> client_wait1

If bad auth data, send XIM_AUTH_NG -> give up on this protocol


Receive XIM_CONNECT_REPLY -> connect Receive XIM_AUTH_SETUP -> client_more

Receive XIM_AUTH_NEXT -> client_more

Receive XIM_AUTH_NG -> give up on this protocol

Receive <other> -> client_NG


Send XIM_AUTH_REQUIRED -> client_wait2


Send XIM_AUTH_NG -> give up on this protocol

State transitions for the IM Server


Use authorization function -> server_ask

Not use authorization function -> server_no_check



-> start2 Receive <other> -> server_NG


If client_ask, send XIM_AUTH_REQUIRED -> server_wait1

If client_no_check and server_ask, send XIM_AUTH_SETUP -> server_wait2

If client_no_check and server_no_check, send XIM_CONNECT_REPLY -> connect


Receive XIM_AUTH_REPLY -> server2

Receive XIM_AUTH_NEXT -> server_more

Receive <other> -> server_NG


Send XIM_AUTH_REQUIRED -> server_wait1


If server_ask, send XIM_AUTH_SETUP -> server_wait2

If server_no_check, send XIM_CONNECT_REPLY -> connect


Receive XIM_AUTH_REQUIRED -> server_check

Receive <other> -> server_NG


If no more auth data, send XIM_CONNECT_REPLY -> connect

If bad auth data, send XIM_AUTH_NG -> give up on this protocol

If good auth data, send XIM_AUTH_NEXT -> server_wait2


Send XIM_AUTH_NG -> give up on this protocol

XIM_DISCONNECT message requests to shutdown the connection over a mutually-understood virtual stream.

XIM_DISCONNECT (IM library -> IM Server)

XIM_DISCONNECT is a synchronous request. The IM library should wait until it receives either an XIM_DISCONNECT_REPLY packet or an XIM_ERROR packet.

XIM_DISCONNECT_REPLY (IM Server -> IM library)

XIM_OPEN requests to establish a logical connection between the IM library and the IM Server.

XIM_OPEN (IM library -> IM Server)
     n     STR     locale name
     p             unused, p = Pad(n)

XIM_OPEN is a synchronous request. The IM library should wait until receiving either an XIM_OPEN_REPLY packet or an XIM_ERROR packet.

XIM_OPEN_REPLY (IM Server -> IM library)
     2     CARD16             input-method-ID
     2     n                  byte length of IM attributes supported
     n     LISTofXIMATTR      IM attributes supported
     2     m                  byte length of IC attributes supported
     2     CARD16             unused
     m     LISTofXICATTR      IC attributes supported

XIM_OPEN_REPLY message returns all supported IM and IC attributes in LISTofXIMATTR and LISTofXICATTR. These IM and IC attribute IDs are used to reduce the amount of data which must be transferred via the network. In addition, this indicates to the IM library what kinds of IM/IC attributes can be used in this session, and what types of data will be exchanged. This allows the IM Server provider and application writer to support IM system enhancements with new IM/IC attributes, without modifying Xlib. The IC value for the separator of NestedList must be included in the LISTofXICATTR.

XIM_CLOSE message requests to shutdown the logical connection between the IM library and the IM Server.

XIM_CLOSE (IM library -> IM Server)
     2     CARD16     input-method-ID
     2                unused

XIM_CLOSE is a synchronous request. The IM library should wait until receiving either an XIM_CLOSE_REPLY packet or an XIM_ERROR packet.

XIM_CLOSE_REPLY (IM Server -> IM library)
     2     CARD16     input-method-ID
     2                unused

Event Flow Control

An IM Server must send XIM_SET_EVENT_MASK message to the IM library in order for events to be forwarded to the IM Server, since the IM library initially doesn't forward any events to the IM Server. In the protocol, the IM Server will specify masks of X events to be forwarded and which need to be synchronized by the IM library.

XIM_SET_EVENT_MASK (IM Server -> IM library)
     2     CARD16        input-method-ID
     2     CARD16        input-context-ID
     4     EVENTMASK     forward-event-mask (*1)
     4     EVENTMASK     synchronous-event-mask (*2)

(*1)  Specify all the events to be forwarded to the IM Server by the IM library.
(*2)  Specify the events to be forwarded with synchronous flag on by the IM library.

XIM_SET_EVENT_MASK is an asynchronous request. The event masks are valid immediately after they are set until changed by another XIM_SET_EVENT_MASK message. If input-context-ID is set to zero, the default value of the input-method-ID will be changed to the event masks specified in the request. That value will be used for the IC's which have no individual values.

Using the Dynamic Event Flow model, an IM Server sends XIM_REGISTER_TRIGGERKEYS message to the IM library before sending XIM_OPEN_REPLY message. Or the IM library may suppose that the IM Server uses the Static Event Flow model.


     2     CARD16                  input-method-ID
     2                             unused
     4     n                       byte length of on-keys
     n     LISTofXIMTRIGGERKEY     on-keys list
     4     m                       byte length of off-keys
     m     LISTofXIMTRIGGERKEY     off-keys list

XIM_REGISTER_TRIGGERKEYS is an asynchronous request. The IM Server notifys the IM library of on-keys and off-keys lists with this message.

The IM library notifys the IM Server with XIM_TRIGGER_NOTIFY message that a key event matching either on-keys or off-keys has been occurred.

XIM_TRIGGER_NOTIFY (IM library -> IM Server)
     2     CARD16           input-method-ID
     2     CARD16           input-context-ID
     4     CARD32           flag
           #0               on-keys list
           #1               off-keys list
     4     CARD32           index of keys list
     4     EVENTMASK        client-select-event-mask (*1)

(*1)  Specify the events currently selected by the IM library with XSelectInput.

XIM_TRIGGER_NOTIFY is a synchronous request. The IM library should wait until receiving either an XIM_TRIGGER_NOTIFY_REPLY packet or an XIM_ERROR packet.

     2     CARD16     input-method-ID
     2     CARD16     input-context-ID

Encoding Negotiation

XIM_ENCODING_NEGOTIATION message requests to decide which encoding to be sent across the wire. When the negotiation fails, the fallback default encoding is Portable Character Encoding.

XIM_ENCODING_NEGOTIATION (IM library -> IM Server).sp 6p
     2     CARD16                 input-method-ID
     2     n                      byte length of encodings listed by name
     n     LISTofSTR              list of encodings supported in the IM library.
     p                            unused, p = Pad(n)
     2     m                      byte length of encodings listed by detailed data
     2                            unused
     m     LISTofENCODINGINFO     list of encordings supported in the IM library

The IM Server must choose one encoding from the list sent by the IM library. If index of the encording determined is -1 to indicate that the negotiation is failed, the fallback default encoding is used. The message must be issued after sending XIM_OPEN message via XOpenIM(). The name of encoding may be registered with X Consortium.

XIM_ENCODING_NEGOTIATION is a synchronous request. The IM library should wait until receiving either an XIM_ENCODING_NEGOTIATION_REPLY packet or an XIM_ERROR packet.

     2     CARD16     input-method-ID
     2     CARD16     category of the encoding determined.
           #0         name
           #1         detailed data
     2     INT16      index of the encoding determinated.
     2                unused

Query the supported extension protocol list

XIM_QUERY_EXTENSION message requests to query the IM extensions supported by the IM Server to which the client is being connected.

XIM_QUERY_EXTENSION (IM library -> IM Server)
     2     CARD16        input-method-ID
     2     n             byte length of extensions supported by the IM library
     n     LISTofSTR     extensions supported by the IM library
     p                   unused, p = Pad(n)

An example of a supported extension is FrontEnd. The message must be issued after sending XIM_OPEN message via XOpenIM().

If n is 0, the IM library queries the IM Server for all extensions.

If n is not 0, the IM library queries whether the IM Server supports the contents specified in the list.

If a client uses an extension request without previously having issued a XIM_QUERY_EXTENSION message for that extension, the IM Server responds with a BadProtocol error. If the IM Server encounters a request with an unknown MAJOR-OPCODE or MINOR-OPCODE, it responds with a BadProtocol error.

XIM_QUERY_EXTENSION is a synchronous request. The IM library should wait until receiving either an XIM_QUERY_EXTENSION_REPLY packet or an XIM_ERROR packet.

     2     CARD16      input-method-ID
     2     n           byte length of extensions supported by both the IM library and the IM Server
     n     LISTofEXT   list of extensions supported by both the IM library and the IM Server

XIM_QUERY_EXTENSION_REPLY message returns the list of extensions supported by both the IM library and the IM Server. If the list passed in XIM_QUERY_EXTENSION message is NULL, the IM Server returns the full list of extensions supported by the IM Server. If the list is not NULL, the IM Server returns the extensions in the list that are supported by the IM Server.

A zero-length string is not a valid extension name. The IM library should disregard any zero-length strings that are returned in the extension list. The IM library does not use the requests which are not supported by the IM Server.

Setting IM Values

XIM_SET_IM_VALUES requests to set attributes to the IM.

XIM_SET_IM_VALUES (IM library -> IM Server)
     2     CARD16                 input-method-ID
     2     n                      byte length of im-attribute
     n     LISTofXIMATTRIBUTE     im-attributes

The im-attributes in XIM_SET_IM_VALUES message are specified as a LISTofXIMATTRIBUTE, specifying the attributes to be set. Attributes other than the ones returned by XIM_OPEN_REPLY message should not be specified.

XIM_SET_IM_VALUES is a synchronous request. The IM library should wait until receiving either an XIM_SET_IM_VALUES_REPLY packet or an XIM_ERROR packet, because it must receive the error attribute if XIM_ERROR message is returned.

XIM_SET_IM_VALUES_REPLY (IM Server -> IM library)
     2     CARD16     input-method-ID
     2                unused

XIM_SET_IM_VALUES_REPLY message returns the input-method-ID to distinguish replies from multiple IMs.

Getting IM Values

XIM_GET_IM_VALUES requests to query IM values supported by the IM Server currently being connected.

XIM_GET_IM_VALUES (IM library -> IM Server)
     2     CARD16           input-method-ID
     2     n                byte length of im-attribute-id
     n     LISTofCARD16     im-attribute-id
     p                      unused, p=Pad(n)

XIM_GET_IM_VALUES is a synchronous request. The IM library should wait until it receives either an XIM_GET_IM_VALUES_REPLY packet or an XIM_ERROR packet.

XIM_GET_IM_VALUES_REPLY (IM Server -> IM library)
     2     CARD16                 input-method-ID
     2     n                      byte length of im-attributes returned
     n     LISTofXIMATTRIBUTE     im-attributes returned

The IM Server returns IM values with XIM_GET_IM_VALUES_REPLY message. The order of the returned im-attribute values corresponds directly to that of the list passed with the XIM_GET_IM_VALUES message.

Creating an IC

XIM_CREATE_IC message requests to create an IC.

XIM_CREATE_IC (IM library -> IM Server)
     2     CARD16                 input-method-ID
     2     n                      byte length of ic-attributes
     n     LISTofXICATTRIBUTE     ic-attributes

The input-context-id is specified by the IM Server to identify the client (IC). (It is not specified by the client in XIM_CREATE_IC message.), and it should not be set to zero.

XIM_CREATE_IC is a synchronous request which returns the input-context-ID. The IM library should wait until it receives either an XIM_CREATE_IC_REPLY packet or an XIM_ERROR packet.

XIM_CREATE_IC_REPLY (IM Server -> IM library)
     2     CARD16     input-method-ID
     2     CARD16     input-context-ID

Destroying the IC

XIM_DESTROY_IC message requests to destroy the IC.

XIM_DESTROY_IC (IM library -> IM Server)
     2     CARD16     input-method-ID
     2     CARD16     input-context-ID

XIM_DESTROY_IC is a synchronous request. The IM library should not free its resources until it receives an XIM_DESTROY_IC_REPLY message because XIM_DESTROY_IC message may result in Callback packets such as XIM_PREEDIT_DRAW and XIM_PREEDIT_DONE.

XIM_DESTROY_IC_REPLY (IM Server -> IM library)
     2     CARD16     input-method-ID
     2     CARD16     input-context-ID

Setting IC Values

XIM_SET_IC_VALUES messages requests to set attributes to the IC.

XIM_SET_IC_VALUES (IM library -> IM Server)
     2     CARD16                 input-method-ID
     2     CARD16                 input-context-ID
     2     n                      byte length of ic-attributes
     2                            unused
     n     LISTofXICATTRIBUTE     ic-attributes

The ic-attributes in XIM_SET_IC_VALUES message are specified as a LISTofXICATTRIBUTE, specifying the attributes to be set. Attributes other than the ones returned by XIM_OPEN_REPLY message should not be specified.

XIM_SET_IC_VALUES is a synchronous request. The IM library should wait until receiving either an XIM_SET_IC_VALUES_REPLY packet or an XIM_ERROR packet, because it must receive the error attribute if XIM_ERROR message is returned.

XIM_SET_IC_VALUES_REPLY (IM Server -> IM library)

     2     CARD16     input-method-ID
     2     CARD16     input-context-ID

Getting IC Values

XIM_GET_IC_VALUES message requests to query IC values supported by the IM Server currently being connected.

XIM_GET_IC_VALUES (IM library -> IM Server)

     2     CARD16           input-method-ID
     2     CARD16           input-context-ID
     2     n                byte length of ic-attribute-id
     n     LISTofCARD16     ic-attribute-id
     p                      unused, p=Pad(2+n)

In LISTofCARD16, the appearance of the ic-attribute-id for the separator of NestedList shows the end of the heading nested list.

XIM_GET_IC_VALUES is a synchronous request and returns each attribute with its values to show the correspondence. The IM library should wait until receiving either an XIM_GET_IC_VALUES_REPLY packet or an XIM_ERROR packet.

XIM_GET_IC_VALUES_REPLY (IM Server -> IM library)
     2     CARD16                 input-method-ID
     2     CARD16                 input-context-ID
     2     n                      byte length of ic-attribute
     2                            unused
     n     LISTofXICATTRIBUTE     ic-attribute

Setting IC Focus

XIM_SET_IC_FOCUS message requests to set the focus to the IC.

XIM_SET_IC_FOCUS (IM library -> IM Server)
     2     CARD16     input-method-ID
     2     CARD16     input-context-ID

XIM_SET_IC_FOCUS is an asynchronous request.

Unsetting IC Focus

XIM_UNSET_IC_FOCUS message requests to unset the focus to the focused IC.

XIM_UNSET_IC_FOCUS (IM library -> IM Server)
     2     CARD16     input-method-ID
     2     CARD16     input-context-ID

XIM_UNSET_IC_FOCUS is an asynchronous request.

Filtering Events

Event filtering is mainly provided for BackEnd method to allow input method to capture X events transparently to clients.

X Events are forwarded by XIM_FORWARD_EVENT message. This message can be operated both synchronously and asynchronously. If the requester sets the synchronous flag, the receiver must send XIM_SYNC_REPLY message back to the requester when all the data processing is done.

Protocol flow of BackEnd model

With BackEnd method, the protocol flow can be classified into two methods in terms of synchronization, depending on the synchronous-eventmask of XIM_SET_EVENT_MASK message. One can be called on-demand-synchronous method and another can be called as full-synchronous method.

In on-demand-synchronous method, the IM library always receives XIM_FORWARD_EVENT or XIM_COMMIT message as a synchronous request. Also, the IM Server needs to synchronously process the correspondent reply from the IM library and the following XIM_FORWARD_EVENT message sent from the IM library when any of the event causes the IM Server to send XIM_FORWARD_EVENT or XIM_COMMIT message to the IM library, so that the input service is consistent. If the IM library gets the control back from the application after receiving the synchronous request, the IM library replies for the synchronous request before processing any of the events. In this time, the IM Server blocks XIM_FORWARD_EVENT message which is sent by the IM library, and handles it after receiving the reply. However, the IM Server handles the other protocols at any time.

In full-synchronous method, the IM library always sends XIM_FORWARD_EVENT message to the IM Server as a synchronous request. Therefore, the reply to it from the IM Server will be put between the XIM_FORWARD_EVENT message and its XIM_SYNC_REPLY message. In case of sending XIM_FORWARD_EVENT or XIM_COMMIT message, the IM Server should set the synchronous flag off. Because the synchronization can be done by the following XIM_SYNC_REPLY message.

Following chart shows one of the simplest protocol flow which only deals with keyevents for preediting operation.

Sample Protocol Flow

Following chart shows one of the complex protocol flow, which deals with multiple focus windows and button press event as well as keyevent, and the focus is moved by the application triggered by both of keyevent and button press event.

Sample Protocol Flow 2
XIM_FORWARD_EVENT (IM library <--> IM Server)
     2     CARD16         input-method-ID
     2     CARD16         input-context-ID
     2     BITMASK16      flag
           #0001          synchronous
           #0002          request filtering (*1)
           #0004          request lookupstring (*2)
     2     CARD16         serial number
           XEVENT         X event

(*1)  Indicate the receiver should filter events and possible preedit may be invoked.

(*2)  Indicate the receiver should only do lookup string. The IM Server is expected
to just do a conversion of the key event to the best candidate. This bit may
affect the state of the preedit state (e.g. compose of dead key sequences).

XEVENT format is same as the X Protocol event format(xEvent). As the value of xEvent's sequenceNumber is the bottom of 16 bit of XEvent's xany.serial, the top of 16 bit is sent by serial number(INT16).

XIM_FORWARD_EVENT message is used for forwarding the events from the IM library to the IM Server in order for IM to be able to filter the event. On the other hand, this message is also used for forwarding the events from the IM Server to the IM library if the event forwarded from the IM library is not filtered. The IM Server, which receives XIM_FORWARD_EVENT message without synchronous bit, should set synchronous bit. If both "request event filtering" and "request lookupstring" flag are set, then both filtering and lookup should be done for the same event.

Synchronizing with the IM Server

XIM_SYNC message requests to synchronize the IM library and the IM Server.

XIM_SYNC (IM library <--> IM Server)
     2     CARD16     input-method-ID
     2     CARD16     input-context-ID

This synchronization can be started either on the IM library side or on the IM Server side. The side which receives XIM_SYNC message should process all XIM requests before replying. The input-context-ID is necessary to distinguish the IC with which the IM library and the IM Server are synchronized.

XIM_SYNC_REPLY (IM Server <--> IM library)
     2     CARD16     input-method-ID
     2     CARD16     input-context-ID

The side which receives XIM_FORWARD_EVENT, XIM_COMMIT or any other message with synchronous bit, should process all XIM request before replying, and send XIM_SYNC_REPLY message as the reply to the previous message.

Sending a committed string

When the IM Server commits a string, the IM Server sends either the committed string or list of KeySym, or both, by XIM_COMMIT message.

XIM_COMMIT (IM Server -> IM library)

     2     CARD16          input-method-ID
     2     CARD16          input-context-ID
     2     BITMASK16       flag
           #0001           synchronous
           #0002           XLookupChars
           #0004           XLookupKeySym
           #0006           XLookupBoth = XLookupChars | XLookupKeySym
XIM_COMMIT (IM Server -> IM library)

     2     CARD16          input-method-ID
     2     CARD16          input-context-ID
     2     BITMASK16       flag
           #0001           synchronous
           #0002           XLookupChars
           #0004           XLookupKeySym
           #0006           XLookupBoth = XLookupChars | XLookupKeySym

If flag is XLookupKeySym, the arguments continue as follows:

     2                unused
     4     KEYSYM     KeySym

If flag is XLookupChars, the arguments continue as follows

     2     m              byte length of committed string
     m     LISTofBYTE     committed string
     p                    unused, p = Pad(m)

If flag is XLookupBoth, the arguments continue as follows

     2                    unused
     4     KEYSYM         KeySym
     2     n              byte length of committed string
     n     LISTofBYTE     committed string
     p                    unused, p = Pad(2+n)

The IM Server which receives XIM_COMMIT message without synchronous bit should set synchronous bit.

Reset IC

XIM_RESET_IC message requests to reset the status of IC in the IM Server.

XIM_RESET_IC (IM library -> IM Server)
     2     CARD16     input-method-ID
     2     CARD16     input-context-ID

XIM_RESET_IC is a synchronous request. The IM library should wait until receiving either an XIM_RESET_IC_REPLY packet or an XIM_ERROR packet.

XIM_RESET_IC_REPLY (IM Server -> IM library)

     2     CARD16         input-method-ID
     2     CARD16         input-context-ID
     2     n              byte length of preedit string
     n     LISTofBYTE     preedit string
     p                    unused, p = Pad(2+n)

XIM_RESET_IC_REPLY message returns the input-context-ID to distinguish replies from multiple ICs.


If XIMStyle has XIMPreeditArea or XIMStatusArea set, XIMGeometryCallback may be used, and if XIMPreeditCallback and/or XIMStatusCallback are set, corresponding callbacks may be used.

Any callback request may be sent from an IM Server to an IM client asynchronously in response to any request previously sent by the IM client to the IM Server.

When an IM Server needs to send a callback request synchronously with the request previously sent by an IM client, the IM Server sends it before replying to the previous request.

Negotiating geometry

The IM Server sends XIM_GEOMETRY message to start geometry negotiation, if XIMStyle has XIMPreeditArea or XIMStatusArea set.

XIM_GEOMETRY (IM Server -> IM library)

     2     CARD16     input-method-ID
     2     CARD16     input-context-ID

There is always a single Focus Window, even if some input fields have only one IC.

Converting a string

XIM_STR_CONVERSION (IM Server -> IM library)

     2     CARD16     input-method-ID
     2     CARD16     input-context-ID
     2     CARD16     XIMStringConversionPosition
     2                unused
     4     CARD32     XIMCaretDirection
           #0         XIMForwardChar
           #1         XIMBackwardChar
           #2         XIMForwardWord
           #3         XIMBackwardWord
           #4         XIMCaretUp
           #5         XIMCaretDown
           #6         XIMNextLine
           #7         XIMCPreviousLine
           #8         XIMLineStart
           #9         XIMLineEnd
           #10        XIMAbsolutePosition
           #11        XIMDontChange
     2     CARD16     factor
     2     CARD16     XIMStringConversionOperation
           #0001      XIMStringConversionSubstitution
           #0002      XIMStringConversionRetrieval
     2     INT16      byte length to multiply the XIMStringConversionType

XIM_STR_CONVERSION message may be used to start the string conversion from the IM Server.


     2     CARD16             input-method-ID
     2     CARD16             input-context-ID
     4     CARD32             XIMStringConversionFeedback
           XIMSTRCONVTEXT     XIMStringConversionText

XIM_STR_CONVERSION_REPLY message returns the string to be converted and the feedback information array.

Preedit Callbacks

The IM Server sends XIM_PREEDIT_START message to call the XIMPreeditStartCallback function.

XIM_PREEDIT_START (IM Server -> IM library)

     2     CARD16     input-method-ID
     2     CARD16     input-context-ID

The reply to this message must be sent synchronously. The reply forwards the return value from the callback function to the IM Server.


     2     CARD16     input-method-ID
     2     CARD16     input-context-ID
     4     INT32     return value

XIM_PREEDIT_START_REPLY message returns the input-context-ID to distinguish replies from multiple IC's. The return value contains the return value of the function XIMPreeditStartCallback.

The IM Server sends XIM_PREEDIT_DRAW message to call the XIMPreeditDrawCallback function.

XIM_PREEDIT_DRAW (IM Server -> IM library)

     2     CARD16                input-method-ID
     2     CARD16                input-context-ID
     4     INT32                 caret
     4     INT32                 chg_first
     4     INT32                 chg_length
     4     BITMASK32             status
           #x0000001             no string
           #x0000002             no feedback
     2     n                     length of preedit string
     n     STRING8               preedit string
     p                           unused, p = Pad(2+n)
     2     m                     byte length of feedback array
     2                           unused
     m     LISTofXIMFEEDBACK     feedback array

The fields "caret", "chg_first" and "chg_length" correspond to the fields of XIMPreeditDrawCallbackStruct. When the "no string" bit of the status field is set, the text field of XIMPreeditDrawCallbackStruct is NULL. When the "no feedback" bit of the status field is set, the text feedback field of XIMPreeditDrawCallbackStruct is NULL. When the above bits are not set, "preedit string" contains the preedit string to be displayed, and the feedback array contains feedback information.

The IM Server sends XIM_PREEDIT_CARET message to call the PreeditCaretCallback function.

XIM_PREEDIT_CARET (IM Server -> IM library)

     2     CARD16     input-method-ID
     2     CARD16     input-context-ID
     4     INT32      position
     4     CARD32     direction
           #0         XIMForwardChar
           #1         XIMBackwardChar
           #2         XIMForwardWord
           #3         XIMBackwardWord
           #4         XIMCaretUp
           #5         XIMCaretDown
           #6         XIMNextLine
           #7         XIMCPreviousLine
           #8         XIMLineStart
           #9         XIMLineEnd
           #10        XIMAbsolutePosition
           #11        XIMDontChange
     4     CARD32     style
           #0         XIMInvisible
           #1         XIMCPrimary
           #2         XIMSecondary

Each entry corresponds to a field of XIMPreeditCaretCallbackStruct. Since this callback sets the caret position, its reply must be sent synchronously.


     2     CARD16     input-method-ID
     2     CARD16     input-context-ID
     4     CARD32     position

The position is the value returned by the callback function after it has been called.

The IM Server sends XIM_PREEDIT_DONE message to call the XIMPreeditDoneCallback function.

XIM_PREEDIT_DONE (IM Server -> IM library)

     2     CARD16     input-method-ID
     2     CARD16     input-context-ID

Preedit state notify

XIM_PREEDITSTATE (IM Server -> IM Library)
     2     CARD16        input-method-ID
     2     CARD16        input-context-ID
     4     BITMASK32     XIMPreeditState
           #x0000000     XIMPreeditUnknown
           #x0000001     XIMPreeditEnable
           #x0000002     XIMPreeditDisable

XIM_PREEDITSTATE message is used to call the XIMPreeditStateNotifyCallback function.

Status Callbacks

The IM Server sends XIM_STATUS_START message to call the XIMStatusStartCallback function.

XIM_STATUS_START (IM Server -> IM library)

     2     CARD16     input-method-ID
     2     CARD16     input-context-ID

The IM Server sends XIM_STATUS_DRAW message to call the XIMStatusDrawCallback function.

XIM_STATUS_DRAW (IM Server -> IM library)

     2     CARD16     input-method-ID
     2     CARD16     input-context-ID
     4     CARD32     type
           #0         XIMTextType
           #1         XIMBitmapType

If type is XIMTextType, the arguments continue as follows.

     4     BITMASK32            status
           #x0000001            no string
           #x0000002            no feedback
     2     n                    length of status string
     n     STRING8              status string
     p                          unused, p = Pad(2+n)
     2     m                    byte length of feedback array
     2                          unused
     m     LISTofXIMFEEDBACK    feedback array

If type is XIMBitmapType, the arguments continue as follows.

     4     PIXMAP     pixmap data

The field "type" corresponds to the field in XIMStatusDrawCallbackStruct.

The IM Server sends XIM_STATUS_DONE message to call the XIMStatusDoneCallback function.

XIM_STATUS_DONE (IM Server -> IM library)

     2     CARD16     input-method-ID
     2     CARD16     input-context-ID